Now that I know what the Tridentine Mass was… thanks to my other post…can someone please tell me why it was ever in place at all ??
I can understand the Latin, that is just a natural progression I presume from Aramaic.
But why would the priest have been required to have his back to the congregation??
Jesus shared His Last Supper with His disciples, around a table, as a meal, with His friends.
Jesus said “Do this in memory of me”.
Wouldnt we or shouldnt we have been celebrating a meal like this from the start?? That is, with the priest facing us, consecrating the bread and wine just like Jesus did, face to face with his friends.
Love Kellie
I can understand the Latin, that is just a natural progression I presume from Aramaic.
But why would the priest have been required to have his back to the congregation??
Jesus shared His Last Supper with His disciples, around a table, as a meal, with His friends.
Jesus said “Do this in memory of me”.
Wouldnt we or shouldnt we have been celebrating a meal like this from the start?? That is, with the priest facing us, consecrating the bread and wine just like Jesus did, face to face with his friends.
Love Kellie