Is it morally permissible to engage in oral sex with one’s spouse?
what about bringing the woman to oral orgasm before intercourse… sinful?there’s a book by Christopher West, I think, called “the Good news about sex and marriage”. My husband read it and it says oral sex is perfectly fine as long as it isn’t a substitute for regular intercourse. It is fine as foreplay and afterplay, and there is nothing wrong with a man ejaculating outside the vagina as long as he intends to later (or has already done so) ejaculate in the vagina.
In my opinion, Christopher West sounds REALLY wrong and misguided…Sorry Minerva - it is wrong for the man to climax outside of the vagina whether he intends to do so later or not. This is a direct qoute from “The Good News about Sex and Marriage” by Christopher West.
“Oral copulation(that is, to the point of ejaculation) is simply not marital…It is the consummation of nothing. It involves a severance of the pleasure of orgasm from the responsibility of fertility. It fosters a husband’s tendency to objectify his wife. For these reasons, it does not and cannot symbolize and participate in the free, total, faithful and fruitful love of God. It does not and cannot symbolize the marriage bond or renew a couple’s vows.”
And thechrismyster Christopher West says," It is not wrong if the wife achieves climax as a result of oral stimulation, so long as it is within the context of a completed act of intercourse."