OK within marriage?

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there’s a book by Christopher West, I think, called “the Good news about sex and marriage”. My husband read it and it says oral sex is perfectly fine as long as it isn’t a substitute for regular intercourse. It is fine as foreplay and afterplay, and there is nothing wrong with a man ejaculating outside the vagina as long as he intends to later (or has already done so) ejaculate in the vagina.
Just to clarify this: if the ejaculation is accidental it is not sinful. If it is intentionally outside the vagina, it is sinful.
That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your responses!

One more question: Is it EVER ok to substitute for intercourse, say if the wife is pregnant and SO not in the mood for months at a time? If she’s pregnant, then the couple is obviously open to life, right?
No, it’s not OK in this case. There must always be a completed act of sexual intercourse.
Sorry Minerva - it is wrong for the man to climax outside of the vagina whether he intends to do so later or not. This is a direct qoute from “The Good News about Sex and Marriage” by Christopher West.
“Oral copulation(that is, to the point of ejaculation) is simply not marital…It is the consummation of nothing. It involves a severance of the pleasure of orgasm from the responsibility of fertility. It fosters a husband’s tendency to objectify his wife. For these reasons, it does not and cannot symbolize and participate in the free, total, faithful and fruitful love of God. It does not and cannot symbolize the marriage bond or renew a couple’s vows.”

And thechrismyster Christopher West says," It is not wrong if the wife achieves climax as a result of oral stimulation, so long as it is within the context of a completed act of intercourse."
Thank you so much for this clarification Chauncy. This is such a good point! We all should take heed to it. I think our very sick culture puts very sick ideas in all of our heads…I really appreciate hearing what you have to share with us via Mr. West’s book.
That’s what I thought, but I’m still not sure. Does anyone know the official teaching on this? I tried to look it up in the Catechism, but that only made me more confused. :confused:
i asked a priest in confession, about this question, and his answer was, that oral sex is not o.k even within marriage and the reason was, it is aginst the natural law even if you spill in the womb.
i do not think it wise to say everything goes as long as you are married. i want to ask you a question, can you sodomize you’r wife as long as you complete the act and do not spill outside the womb, is that moraly ok.

CD4 said:
**Good Grief,.,Is NOTHING private on this forum? **

CD4, I’m with you. I think some of these threads are getting pretty sick… Annunciata:mad:
<<<I asked a priest in confession, about this question, and his answer was, that oral sex is not o.k even within marriage and the reason was, it is aginst the natural law even if you spill in the womb.>>>

**I think this priest was wrong…I also think this is a private matter between husband and wife. **
CD4, I’m with you. I think some of these threads are getting pretty sick… Annunciata:mad:
You know, I practice the Catholic faith to the very best of my ability, and do believe that the Catholic Church has the fullness of faith…I attend Mass regularly, go to confession, and pray my daily Rosary (OK, so sometimes I miss). I pray the LOTH as regularly as I can…usually Morning Prayer…

I’m not sure how to say what I mean to say…I get aggravated when people try to tell other people how to live their lives…There are endless debates about the smallest and/or most private things…Things that in the long run, do not matter…

I love the Church, and it has been a struggle for me to continue living my faith…My husband left the Chruch three years ago, and now I am the only practicing Catholic in our entire family. I try to live a life obedient to Christ and his teachings…I teach RCIA, and am often at odds with the director over my orthodoxy and her liberalism…

All that being said, I do think that some here have taken the idea of “natural law” to the extreme…Human sexuality is a natural thing. It has many means of expression, one of which is oral sex…Married couples do this naturally…

**and contrary to the opinions of some, I believe that it can be a positive influence on a marriage. For some, it is an expression of love…not simple lust…It leads, in most cases to normal intercourse…Most use it as a fore or after play…and that is “natural”…not something particulary weird. **

I hadn’t meant to say all this…But, I am just tired of all this nit-picking…Good Grief!
CD4, I’m with you. I think some of these threads are getting pretty sick… Annunciata:mad:
Whats so sick about sex? Or for that matter, talking about it? This is a forum where people can ask questions and hopefully find answers to their questions. Although you may disagree, these questions, I’m sure, are important to the person asking them. Besides, given the history of the church and it’s lack of outward teaching about sex, don’t you think it’s time to loose the guilt and allow married couples to learn just what the church does teach?

And if you have a problem with these threads, why are you even taking the time to read them? I usually just scroll down when I see something I don’t like. I don’t jump in and start accusing people of being sick!
Whats so sick about sex? Or for that matter, talking about it? This is a forum where people can ask questions and hopefully find answers to their questions. Although you may disagree, these questions, I’m sure, are important to the person asking them. Besides, given the history of the church and it’s lack of outward teaching about sex, don’t you think it’s time to loose the guilt and allow married couples to learn just what the church does teach?

And if you have a problem with these threads, why are you even taking the time to read them? I usually just scroll down when I see something I don’t like. I don’t jump in and start accusing people of being sick!
While I don’t think these threads are sick, and I realize that they may provide good information for those who need it, I do think you can be too scrupulous…worrying about every little thing you do…No wonder Catholics are famous for their “guilt”…Not even their private lives are private…
Whats so sick about sex? Or for that matter, talking about it? This is a forum where people can ask questions and hopefully find answers to their questions. Although you may disagree, these questions, I’m sure, are important to the person asking them. Besides, given the history of the church and it’s lack of outward teaching about sex, don’t you think it’s time to loose the guilt and allow married couples to learn just what the church does teach?

And if you have a problem with these threads, why are you even taking the time to read them? I usually just scroll down when I see something I don’t like. I don’t jump in and start accusing people of being sick!
There is nothing wrong with sex, I simply think that some of these threads are talking about very intimate things… and you are right I probably should’nt have even bothered looking at this thread but I did …
I was agreeing w/ CD4 when she said “Good greif is their nothing private on this Forum”… Of course, I think I was reacting to another thread about “personal grooming” and was really appalled! So I’m sorry if I offended you and CD4 by my remark, but it’s just the way I happen to see it at the time. BTW, I see nothing wrong w/ the act mentioned…I just think it’s rather a private thing between two married people.
In Christ,
CD4 said:
You know, I practice the Catholic faith to the very best of my ability, and do believe that the Catholic Church has the fullness of faith…I attend Mass regularly, go to confession, and pray my daily Rosary (OK, so sometimes I miss). I pray the LOTH as regularly as I can…usually Morning Prayer…

I’m not sure how to say what I mean to say…I get aggravated when people try to tell other people how to live their lives…There are endless debates about the smallest and/or most private things…Things that in the long run, do not matter…

I love the Church, and it has been a struggle for me to continue living my faith…My husband left the Chruch three years ago, and now I am the only practicing Catholic in our entire family. I try to live a life obedient to Christ and his teachings…I teach RCIA, and am often at odds with the director over my orthodoxy and her liberalism…

All that being said, I do think that some here have taken the idea of “natural law” to the extreme…Human sexuality is a natural thing. It has many means of expression, one of which is oral sex…Married couples do this naturally…

**and contrary to the opinions of some, I believe that it can be a positive influence on a marriage. For some, it is an expression of love…not simple lust…It leads, in most cases to normal intercourse…Most use it as a fore or after play…and that is “natural”…not something particulary weird. **

I hadn’t meant to say all this…But, I am just tired of all this nit-picking…Good Grief!

Hi CD4,
All I was doing was agreeing with you that some things are sacred
CD4**Good Grief,.,Is NOTHING private on this forum? **
so why this disortation torward me? I had just come off viewing another thread about “personal grooming” which I thought was sick… and, was probably overreacting to that…I didn’t mean to say that sex was sick, just that some of these threads are getting to be…probably a poor choice of words. Anyway,…:twocents: Annunciata:o

Truth is objective. Meaning it is black and white. The Church has never wavered on her teachings of morality. While the Church has grown in wisdom over her 2,000 years of existence (much like a small child grows to adulthood), the tenets of moral teaching remain the same…because, truth is NOT SUBJECTIVE!!! Meaning that YOU can freely choose to to not “nit pick” over your actions, but I choose to find and decipher the Church’s true teachings and align my choices and actions within that moral context.

Here is some text from Christopher Wests’s book, which has been partially quoted already above:

I’m quoting from Christopher West’s “The Good News About Sex & Marriage,” which has an impramatur from the Archbishop of Denver, Fr. Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

(an impramatur means that a bishop has looked over the full text of the entire book and finds NOTHING to be incompatible with Church teaching.)

pg 91

"The acts by which spouses lovingly prepare each other for genital intercourse (foreplay) are honorable and good. But stimulation of each other’s gentials to the point of climax APART from normal intercourse is nothing other than mutual masturbation. There’s not gift of self…

"An important clarification is needed. Since it’s the male orgasm that’s inherently linked with the possibility of new life, the husband must never intentionally ejaculate outside of his wife’s vagina (unintended ejaculation involves no moral fault). Since the female orgasm, however, isn’t necessarily linked to the possibility of conception, so long as it takes place within the overall context of an act of intercourse, it need not, morally speaking, be during the actual penetration.

“Ideally, the wife’s orgasm would happen simultaneously with her husband’s, but this is much easier said than done for many couples. In fact, if the wife’s orgasm isn’t achieved during the natural course of foreplay and consummation, it would be the loving thing for the husband to stimulate his wife to climax therafter (if she so desired.”

pg 92:

“There’s nothing that singles out the genitals as being “unkissable,” as part of a husband and wife’s foreplay to intercourse. The term “oral sex,” however, most often refers to acts in which orgasm is sought and achieved apart from the act of intercourse. Indeed, many couples consider such behavior a desirable alternative to normal intercourse. And yes, this is wrong, even for married couples–though the clarification made above regarding female orgasm is applicable here as well: It’s not objectively wrong if the wife achieves climax as a result of oral stimulation, so long as it’s within the context of a completed act of intercourse.”

pg 93:

"While there’s nothing wrong per se with oral stimulation of the genitals as foreplay to intercourse, such expressions require the greatest degree of purity and reverence so as never to degrade the goodness of marital intimacy. This kind of purity IS possible, but it’s also quite easy (especially for men, I’d say) to cross the line between love and lust, between intimately affirming the goodness of each other’s bodies (and receiving that affirmation) and merely seeking to gratify base desire at each other’s expense…

“It should go without mentioning that a spouse who is uncomfortable with such behavior should never be pressured into performing it.”
Arise, north wind! Come, south wind!
Blow upon my garden that its perfumes may spread abroad.
Let my lover come to his garden and eat its choice fruits

Yes… I know it’s only metaphor, but the mental images it provokes…

Maybe it’s just me.
I agree with Annunciata.

There are some topics that are very intimate and I personally do not think are appropriate for discussion.

Lets not forget we have very young Catholics posting here.
Thank you all for your participation in this thread. It is now closed.

We do have a number of young people on the forums. In future threads some discretion might be appropriate on discussion of topics such as these.

Paul Stephens

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