
Agname,I was just informed by a priest…that it’s “an honorary title bestowed upon them by Eastern Christians. They have not been through the official canonization process…and will not be canonized by Rome.” Take it for what it’s worth.
Your post is arrogant; the priest’s statement is erroneous.
There are many hundreds of saints honored in the hagiography of the Roman Church who never were subjected to the “official canonization process”. These are typically referred to as originating in public veneration “pre-Congregation”, having been so proclaimed since before the formation of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints and accepted by Holy Mother Church on that basis.
I would note that all of the Apostles and most other early Saints were so declared and their sainthood never proclaimed by any official process.
See, as examples, the listings at Catholic Forums for:
Saint Patrick
Saint Peter the Apostle
Saint Stephen the ProtoMartyr
Saint Nicholas of Myra
Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Balthasar the Magus
Saint Melchior the Magus
Saint Cosmas
The Eastern Catholic Churches do not bestow “honorary titles” nor do the Melkites, the Maronites, or any other Eastern Catholics “borrow” Saints from our Orthodox brothers and sisters.
Your statement that you cannot find anything in any of your “Roman Catholic saint material” says it all. You are looking in Roman Catholic materials for Eastern Catholic saints.
As to St. Abraham, see:
Saint Abraham
Many years,