Oliver Stone To Trash Reagan

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…I guess The Reagans movie didn’t do enough to belittle the President. So now, Stone has to go as low as saying he had an affair with PM Thatcher! He and Moore are really fighting for the top Hollywood Idiot ward.
Thanks for the info …I checked it out.Wow, what trash! Hollywood puts whatever it wants into these movies but the sad part is the public keeps going to see them.What I don’t understand, the so called surveys say that about 80% of the U.S. population believes in God , so you would think those in charge in Hollywood would come across with more movies that a family would enjoy watching. There is so much truth you could write about that would be interesting and exciting.

Also ,almost every movie is rated PG or PG 13 , no matter what the content! It is certainly affecting the children.
Yet another reason to boycott Hollywood;

as if he didn’t give everyone enough reason to ignore him with Alexander.
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