How do we do that?We on the forums should learn to make similar distinctions. Judge ideas and general behavior, but refrain from specific application of those judgements towards PEOPLE. They’ll get the message loud and clear without making it a personal attack.
Do we say, “OId Joe is a dope-dealer, a wife-beater and a child-molestor, but we have to refrain from specific application of those judgements towards PEOPLE?”
Do we have to vote for “pro-choice” politicians to show we’re refraining from specific application of those judgements towards PEOPLE?
On the other hand, there are some very decent people in every Catholic church in the land who cannot take communion – because they’re divorced and remarried, or are Protestants married to Catholics. So we refrain from specific application of those judgements towards PEOPLE who are rich and powerful, but come down on ordinary people like a ton of bricks.
What kind of message does that send?