On Indulgences

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OK, as some of you may already know, a plenary indulgence is available at this time in regards to the Blessed Mother’s appearance at Lourdes. The wording of the indulgence says that a full plenary indulgence may be merited each day from the second through the eleventh of this month. I know that a single confession within eight days of each indulgence covers that requirement, but what about the Eucharist? Is it necessary to receive the host each day one wishes to obtain an indulgence?

Thank you in advance for light you can shed on the topic.
OK, as some of you may already know, a plenary indulgence is available at this time in regards to the Blessed Mother’s appearance at Lourdes. The wording of the indulgence says that a full plenary indulgence may be merited each day from the second through the eleventh of this month. I know that a single confession within eight days of each indulgence covers that requirement, but what about the Eucharist? Is it necessary to receive the host each day one wishes to obtain an indulgence?

Thank you in advance for light you can shed on the topic.
i THOUGHT, AND I AM GOING soley on memory, that you have to perfom the act(that requires the indulgence) and recieve holy communion and be free from mortal and venial sin (for a plenary indulgence)–if you fail to meet aLL THESE REQUIRMENTS (EXCEPT FOR MARTLA SIN OF COURSE) you mau still gain a partial indulgence—again I am going off the cuff here and have not done additional reasearch–I believe that would require reception of Holy Coomunion each day if you are able–
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