Once you have a rosary, is that "the one" you have forever?

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Once you have a Rosary is that “the one” you have forever, or can you have more than one?
If that were the case,id be SOL, I go through 2 a month. When you put your other to rest, make sure its done right if its blessed. Mine are all in a wood box cuz they all broke.😦 😦


I know people who collect them, and use more than one. It’s just a nice way to keep track of your prayers, nothing wrong with having many of them.

I made one out of the Cross of St. Benedict I received last year when I entered the Church. I’m emotionally attached to it and plan to use it for a long time. The Aves are red tiger eye, and the Paters are hematite. I wear it around my neck and use it regularly during my long commute.
I know many people that have more than one :). You can have more than one; the best one is the one you will use!
Ever notice that all the really saintly people favor cheap plastic glow-in-the-dark rosaries? – the kind that make us former Protestants cringe? One of the reasons a friend of mine uses cheap rosaries is that she gives them away to whomever takes note of it.
I don’t think it matters. My grandma has a whole bunch of rosaries.:cool: Like me, you may want to always hang on to it as a keepsake, especially if you had it blessed.
I wear it around my neck
Not a hundred % sure but im pretty sure your not supposed to wear it areound your neck. I would look it up right now but im off to work

God Bless

The other writers are correct about one thing, they always break. Sadly mine always break while I am at Mass!

For my recent birthday, my wife bought me a beautiful new Rosary made of olive wood. It has a very sturdy chain, and It would break my heart if anything ever happened to it.
I have 3:
  1. The cheap one I bought when I first came back to the Church, to sort of try it out.
  2. My grandfather’s rosary, which my dad gave to me after I returned to the faith. I treasure it as a reminder of him.
  3. The one I was given when I made my 1st degree as a KofC. It is very nice and was blessed by Pope JP II (not that it really makes a difference - the real blessing is the use of it). That is the one I have used ever since.
Definitely have more than one, though I always use (and keep with me at all times) the first rosary I purchased when I was first introduced to Catholicism.
… beautiful new Rosary made of olive wood. It has a very sturdy chain…
Just bought one for my son for one of his Christmas presents…🙂
We have several in my house. I always have a few in the car also. I recently gave my favorite one away to someone who needed it farrrrr more than I did. Maybe that’s the real beauty of the rosary - to be able to give one away.

I try to carry instructions too.
Ever notice that all the really saintly people favor cheap plastic glow-in-the-dark rosaries? – the kind that make us former Protestants cringe? One of the reasons a friend of mine uses cheap rosaries is that she gives them away to whomever takes note of it.
If you are Catholic long enough, it seems to be impossible NOT to acquire one of those glow in the dark kinds. They get handed out, and then everyone is supposed to pray together, and they don’t want to take it back…I suppose the remedy is to always carry a rosary with you so you can refuse it. People without purses have a hard time always having a rosary on them, however.😉
Dear friend

I have a few rosaries. It is an irish tradition but may also be in other places, I’m not sure, to hang a rosary over your crucifix on the wall. I have a few crucifix’s in my home and each one has a rosary hung around it. I have one by my bedside, a rosary I carry in my bag and a rosary ring I have in my pocket.

The one I use the most is a rose scented Padre Pio rosary. I try not to get too attached to any object or possession, but this rosary recently broke and I was quite sad about it. I was alone in the church at the time and a man who helps at the church and is very kind came in to do some work. I said my hellos and mentioned it had broken and I couldn’t fix it (I’d been trying for some time!). He fixed it in a minute. I was thankful for him doing that for me, it was a lovely kindness as he was quite busy.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I’ve had many rosaries over the years. When I was a child my mother made beautiful rosaries and I have the remnants of the one she made for me. In later years I seemed to acquire several, but only since last Lent do I actually pray it regularly. I now have the plastic ones in several places in the house and in the car, but I normally use one a dear friend of mine brought back to me from Italy, blessed by the Holy Father. She died a year ago, but was the most powerful witness to the faith I’ve ever known. I remember her, of course, with each rosary I pray.

I do agree that the best one is the one you’ll actually use! 😉
One personal Rosary used continuously seems to be what Our Lady prefers. There must be something very pleasing to Our Lady attached to the one personal set of beads. I know that they are a sacramental yet I am constantly reminded of the part of the Lourdes story where Bernadette knelt. O good! The Lady was there smiling at her! She took a rosary and started the sign of the cross with it. Bernadette seemed to be listening more attentively…she put her hand in her pocket and showed her own rosary to the Lady.
But Our Lady asked: “Where is your rosary?” Bernadette showed her the rosary in her hand. The Lady continued: “You are mistaken, that rosary is not yours.” Bernadette understood and later explained: “Pauline Sans had asked me to use her rosary when I saw the Lady…She told me: ‘that is not your rosary.’ Then I took out mine. The Lady smiled and said: ‘Use that one.’”

Beautiful story which should help us undertsnd how precious the one personal set of beads actually is. of course they will fade away or break then we get a new set. But it seems that our personal beads are important and should be used over and over again.
Once you have a Rosary is that “the one” you have forever, or can you have more than one?
My aunt is 87 years old and a Sister at her elementary school when she was only in about 5th grade made her one with a collection of lost rosaries left at church. Years ago all the church’s lost and founds would have many. Anyway she has used it all her life and it is such a mixture of beads, but someone gave it to her during the depression and she values it. It has been around the world.
She lost is many times, and it has always been found. One time someone mailed it back to her from Wisconsin. Another time she lost it on a golf course and someone turned it in. She has many stories. She has had it blesssed in Rome, Fatima, and many other very special places, like the Holy Land. She is such a believer.

My mother, her sister, made her a beautiful crystal rosary and I am sure it is tucked away in a drawer somewhere. My mother made me a rosary for my wedding, and I lost it somewhere in my own house. I know I will find it. I use one of my mom’s that I inherited from her. She also made that one. A few months ago, when I was praying day and night for my daughter that was in Iraq with the military I found one of my dad’s rosaries when I decided to use a bag that was once his. It was about the best day, because now I had a rosary from each of them. I alternate, using my mom’s one day and my dad’s the next.

Rosaries can be sentimental as you can tell by the posts, but you can have as many as you can use. It is sort of like jewelry. Who can ever have too much prayer?
I have one in every top desk or dresser drawer in my house and at work, one in each purse, a rosary ring on my keychain, a small one on my rearview mirror, a wall rosary that was my grandmother’s. My personal hang-up is not to get attached to any one rosary itself, so I don’t put more value on the object than the prayer. I usually have 2 or 3 on me because I give them away like candy. the ones I like best are wooden beads on string, not chains, because sooner or later chain rosaries break. Years ago most jewelers (even, and especially Jewish ones) would repair rosaries for free. Have about 200 of the plastic glow in the dark ones in my office, the kids love them, and would rather have those than any other color. We work strenuously to educate them NOT to wear them around the neck, for safety reasons as well as reverence.
I bought one but misplaced it. May God bless whoever finds it and uses it.

I bought a mid-priced one from a group of nuns who made them with nice beads and Italian medals, and had it blessed by a priest. But I received one made of wooden beads. This one though is blessed by the Holy Father himself.

So I have two rosaries with me.
If that were the case,id be SOL, I go through 2 a month. When you put your other to rest, make sure its done right if its blessed. Mine are all in a wood box cuz they all broke.😦 😦

Mike, How on earth do you go through 2 rosaries a month???!!! Are you eating them or what?? 😃

How do they break?

I have four rosaries - one that a cousin gave me when I was 17 (I am now 61); one I bought myself, as I wanted to have one for the car and one for home; one that was given to me when my Mother-in-law died (my son had given it to her); and the one I use almost daily, which was given to me by the Prelate of Opus Dei when he visited Trinidad in 2000.

My husband has two - one that someone brought back from Rome, which he seldom uses, and a silver onehe uses daily that he has had almost as long as I have my oldest one. That one broke a short while ago, but I was able to mend it for him. All that had happened was it got caught on something and one of the chain links got stretched and opened. A little work with a nail scissors and a tweezers fixed it up in no time at all!! 😉
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