I posted the following to Fr. Joe Horn, O.Praem’s 100% Catholic Forum back on Sept. 13, 2004. Unfortunately his site experienced a crash and it is not at the same URL. However he it from a hard copy:
Is Allah the one true God, or a false god? The jury is still out on that one.
I have just been looking at the Al-Bushra website.
On this page it states:
Al-Bushra stands pro-Truth, pro-Justice and pro-Peace & prays God, Allah, HsShem, Adonai, the Most Holy for Mankind."
Al-Bushra is described as an Arab American Roman Catholic Community created by Rev. Labib from the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem (The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Jerusalem.)
On this web-page it says: “As we believe in ONE GOD, that GOD, ALLAH, ADONAI, HaShem, the MOst Holy is One for all of us.”
On one of the on-line files - “The Christian Arab Heritage”, by Dr. Fr. Labib Kobti,
al-bushra/arbhrtg/arbxtn04.htm is the following:
“Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscam Archiologist, found more than twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with the inscription in Arabic: ‘Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim’ that showed that Christians were the first to use this name so as to indicate their belief in the Holy Trinity, more than two hundred years before Islam.”
It seems to me that the inscription is the same as “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Also, it seems that “El-Lah” is very close to “Allah.”
In another source, “The First Christians” by Audrey Shabbas at
mepc.org/public_asp/workshops/firstchris.asp - I think this is a Protestant site - it is stated that:
“Arab Christians pray to Allah. ‘Allah’ is the Arabic word for one God. If your language is Arabic, this is the word you use in worshipping the one God. Jesus, who spoke Aramaic, used the word ‘Allaha,’ and the word in Hebrew is ‘Ailohim’ – all three words derive from the same root.”
Hope this helps,
Sean O L
In another file, Fr. Brian Harrison, O.S. (who is no modernist) has
Muslims Worship the One True God
Only Their ‘Receiving Apparatus’ Is Defective