Yeah, and many of them should never have been allowed to darken the door of a seminary. I’d rather have 25 good seminarians than hundreds of ones that either left the priesthood or don’t agree with Church Teaching.In the 1960s, there were 600 Irish students in formation for the priesthood.
I don’t know if it will be that time frame of not, but I definitely try to impress that upon people. In the US specifically the highest peak in attendance was post war America. But that was the time of Godless Commies, a generation of people who loved to join clubs, more culturally constrained, and when the church you went to signified your place within society.In any case, the Church in Ireland has taken a battering and needs to shrink for a time. In 25 years the Irish Church will likely have less members and priests, but will probably be more vibrant, alive, and ready to re-evangelise the nation.