Only 31 deaths of children under age 15 involving COVID-19. Common flu-related child deaths from 37 to 187 during regular flu season. Should Governors

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And in case anyone one is thinking of this as the next argument, the claim that all the experts at the CDC are corrupt and lying is also an extraordinary claim.
Even if you claim that, you still have to account for all the other public and private health organizations coming to the same conclusion.
Do you have specific training that you feel makes your conclusions more likely to be valid than the global community of experts?
Assuming that “global health authorities” have not been placed into those positions of authority by political leaders is part of why your assumptions should be challenged. There are political factors that need to be factored into your trust in the “global community of experts.” “Experts” can be selected by their allegiances to certain ideologies and agendas.

WHO was heavily influenced by the CCP initially in its guidances — first claiming COVID was not a danger. The head of WHO (World Health Organization ) is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He is not a medical expert and was a member of a Marxist-Leninist political party in Ethiopia that has been determined to be a promoter of terrorism.

Many of the experts that are commonly cited have political affiliation on the left or with a globalist agenda. They are precisely aligned to the climate “experts” who claim climate change is a dire threat and who are using both those threats to bring about the Great Reset globally.

Biden has supposedly picked Michael Mann to be his “climate czar.” Mann is a proven fraud who won’t even reveal his underlying data to scrutiny by those who don’t accept his conclusions.
Another way of saying it is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Funny how the “extraordinary proof” is only required from the one side that disputes the current narrative and not from the side that presents it. That narrative is merely accepted on its face without any serious assessment or analysis.

The current election is an glaring example of this.

Why is “extraordinary proof” of fraud required from those who question the results, but absolutely no evidence or transparency is required from those who stand on mere assertions that there is “nothing to see here?”

If this were an entirely fair question of fraud or not, the “extraordinary proof” should be demanded from both sides and not merely assuming that one side is immune from fraud unless it has been proven by the other.

Where is the transparency on signature verification? On the chain of custody of ballots from drop boxes? On private voter information being provided to left wing activist groups? On the deals made by Secretaries of State with voting machine companies? On forensic analyses of those voting machines?

There are lots of questions regarding the data being presented by the CDC just as there are lots on the data presented by NASA and other agencies on climate. There are lots of questions about the FBI, the CIA and the State Dept. regarding politically motivated activity – FISA warrants being a serious one. The bureaucratic system as well as the main stream media are politically affiliated to a degree never seen before in history. There ought to be calls for complete transparency from all sides, but the press is derelict in fulfilling its true purpose — uncovering the truth.
Gotcha, so a shadowy underground has placed compromised scientists in every single public health organization, public and private, globe wide, with the specific goal of making people wear unnecessary masks and recycle plastic bottles?

Your claims have a huge issue of scale. It turns out the entire planet doesn’t align to US political philosophies.
Gotcha, so a shadowy underground has placed compromised scientists in every single public health organization, public and private, globe wide, with the specific goal of making people wear unnecessary masks and recycle plastic bottles?
You forgot “left wing socialist/globalist talking points” …
This story of cancel culture would be laughable were it not for the fact that it is so serious. It involves an attempt by four Harvard Law School student groups to interfere in the employment of, and damage the career of, Professor Adrian Vermeule.

This reflects an ongoing attempt by leftwing students to purge academia of viewpoints that do not perfectly align with the social justice and Black Lives Matter orthodoxy. Much like during Mao’s Cultural Revolution, students lead the way in belittling and trying to damage dissident professors, with public shaming and institutional ritualized denunciations preferred methods of intimidation.

We’ve covered so many of these cases just in the last few months, it’s almost too much to count, but includes: Cornell Chemistry Prof. David Collum, UCF Psychology Prof. Charles Negy, U. Chicago Geophysicist Prof. Dorian Abbot, McGill Univ. Anthropology Emeritus Prof. Philip Carl Salzman, U. Miami Law Prof. Dan Ravicher, USC Business Prof. Greg Patton, Princeton Classics Prof. Joshua Katz, several Skidmore College professors, University of North Texas Music Theory Prof. Gregory Jackson, Michigan State Physics Prof. Stephen Hsu, and …, William Jacobson.
Source: Student Cancel Mob Comes For Harvard Law Prof. Adrian Vermeule Over Tweets Mocking Leftists
There are lots of questions…
And zero evidence. We are still waiting…
Gee I never realized rational dialog was so easy. Just keep asserting the same thing over and over. "Zero… none… no… zilch… "

I imagine the intellectual life of a rock functions in roughly that way: Holds the same position completely indefatigable, impenetrable and unmovable.
There are lots of questions…
And zero evidence. We are still waiting…
Gee I never realized rational dialog was so easy. Just keep asserting the same thing over and over. "Zero… none… no… zilch… "
Well what else would you like to discuss? More hearsay? More claims? More insinuation? More he-said, she-said? More affadivits? More suggestions? More hows-about and what-ifs and could-be, should-be, might-be? More conspiracies? More discussions about China or Venezuala of the FBI or Big Tech or Fake News from a Liberal Media?

There hasn’t been any evidence put forward. By anybody. At any time. And all the cases have been thrown out. Almost every single one. And everyone who is in a position to determine whether there has been anything untoward has specifically said there hasn’t been. Even Republican senators. Even Republican governors. Even Republican nominated judges. Even the Attorney General for heaven’s sake!

This isn’t going to end, is it…These claims will keep being made for months. And there will be no evidence presented. The Kraken hasn’t been released. It wasn’t dead on arrival - it never existed.

They are playing you, Harry.
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There hasn’t been any evidence put forward. By anybody. At any time.
Why is someone having a conversation with this guy?
I’m guessing you’re being facetious.

Australia is not done with the virus. Its impossible to control a virus forever. And if they lock down their country forever, they are done. Your people will be assumed into a devastating antiChristian Chinese government because they can’t economically cut it. Its already happening.
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See my edit 😉

My bad, just reading the last couple posts of the discussion ha!
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There hasn’t been any evidence put forward. By anybody. At any time.
Why is someone having a conversation with this guy?
I’m guessing you’re being facetious.

Australia is not done with the virus. Its impossible to control a virus forever. And if they lock down their country forever, they are done. Your people will be assumed into a devastating antiChristian Chinese government because they can’t economically cut it. Its already happening.
We’re not locked down, Daisy. The country is open for business. International travel needs special permission but we’re just about back to normal. We still wash hands and disinfect shopping trolley handles and use plastic instead of cash but we’re out of the woods. New infections country wide can be counted on the fingers of one hand. I’m going to the cricket tonight - the ground will be packed. It’s not a problem any more. We beat it.

And in the time you took to read that paragraph a few more Americans died from it. One every 30 seconds or so. And if the attitude of those posting here is typical of the general population in the States, it’s going to get a lot worse.
Oh and apologies to all for heading off on the wrong track a couple of posts ago. I’ve been discussing the election with Harry and confused the two topics. My bad.
So the only things your country has done are washing hands, mask wearing, general sterilization, but your saying the primary way of eradication is by highly regulating international travel?
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So the only things your country has done are washing hands, mask wearing, general sterilization, but your saying the primary way of eradication is by highly regulating international travel?
Did I say those were the only things we did? I don’t think so. Let me check…

Nope. I didn’t. But I did suggest that if there was a country we could think of that mandated wearing masks in certain conditions and where areas were locked down where there were clusters of the virus and where contact tracing is done constantly and people needed to supply contact details when using bars and restaurants etc and where schools were closed as necessary and free testing was locally available to all and working from home where possible was the norm and people self quaranteened if there was any doubt about their health and travel between states was restricted and no overseas travel was allowed and group limits were imposed and the vast majority of its citizens knuckled down and accepted the curtailment of their everyday freedoms for the good of their family, friends, workmates and fellow countrymen and women…then that country (just listing some of the measures taken) could be used as a good example for others to follow.

Whaddya think?
I think these precautions seem to make sense, but, I think it’s still impossible for complete eradication. And I really don’t think this type of eradication could happen in the US, where the population (8x the size of Australia) is much more spread out than your country. Our only option is to control the spread so it does not overwhelm hospitals.
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You want to listen to this guy? Be my guest. He only charges $50 to become a member and get notified whenever he writes something. Which includes nonsense such as this:

'Moreover, not a single non pharmaceutical intervention, such as societal shut downs, masks, curfews, and other forms of attempted suppression have worked worldwide to “stop the spread” of COVID-19. ’

Really? It hasn’t? Asked Freddy, just getting ready to head off to the pub and a game at the SCG tonight. Covid? I remember covid.

‘There are many reasons for optimism. The COVID-19 epidemics in the U.S. South appear to have subsided dramatically, and the COVID-19 issues in the U.S. northeast have been over for months. That means most of the U.S. population could soon be in the clear.’

It will be? I guess the forum won’t be running when the death toll reaches a half a billion. But I’ll bet you’ll remember me telling you that when it does.

He also derides NZ’s quarantine of incoming visiters which was exactly the same as Australia did. My wife had to self isolate at home for two weeks (as did I because we’re obviously living in the same house) after returning from the UK with a very heavy fine if she didn’t. And the rules were changed shortly after she got back so that arrivals had to quarantine in a hotel (at the government’s expense). A couple of friends arrived back two weeks after my wife and had to do this.

Did everyone like it? No. Not really. Did everyone comply? Yes. Did we realise it was necessary? Yes. Did it help? Of course. In NZ and Australia.

He’ll be ‘honoured’ if you fork out that fifty bucks to read more of this stuff. Tell me didn’t fall for that as well.
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Really? It hasn’t? Asked Freddy, just getting ready to head off to the pub and a game at the SCG tonight. Covid? I remember covid.
Very manipulative of you. Anyone with a modicum of rationality reading into your writing gets that your assessment is simplistic to the point of embarrassment.

Necessarily so, however, because your appeal is to the sub-rational aspects of human nature: fear and envy.

Your “argument” is reminiscent of the shysters who peddled snake oil and cure-alls in the past, playing on the hopes and fears of the unsuspecting and uninformed.

“He only charges $50” for access to his full body of work. No one is being forced to comply or subscribe. What you are peddling requites a far greater cost: selling our intellectual independence and freedoms.

Oh sure, it isn’t you demanding those, but the state that you keep in power by your vote does.
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