A disclaimer ** I am an Australian citizen born in Europe. I have visited the US on holidays numerous times but only as a tourist. My observations are purely from this forum and my travel experiences. As an adult I also lived in the UK for 4 years so have a good understanding of British/European cultural norms. I mean no disrespect by my below musings…I am just wondering if others notice the same as myself.
I notice that many US citizens can be very polarizing and forceful in their views. Their argument will often be venomous and it is clear they truly feel their opinion must be heard repetitively in order to gain the upper hand. Often the arguer is not particularly open to other alternatives, nor willing to openly look at other platforms that may have had success. Subjects such as the constitution, gun control and health care come to mind.
As a non-US citizen I find the behavior baffling. CAF has very much opened my eyes as to how hold-fast people can hold onto their argument in what clearly is a flailing point of view. Considering the majority of the industrialized first world finds certain arguments inconceivable (health care argument comes to mind) I notice if alternative facts are pointed out it is mainly ignored by most. Or strawman arguments are countered.
As the majority of this forum are US citizens - do you also find/notice this? Those that are well traveled - have you noticed a difference in population cohesiveness when you travel to other first world countries? Less fear mongering?
To be clear I LOVE the US. I found most people incredibly welcoming and warm. And I fully concede that this is purely observational and I would hate to stereotype all American citizens. It is just something that has been highlighted to me since joining CAF.
I notice that many US citizens can be very polarizing and forceful in their views. Their argument will often be venomous and it is clear they truly feel their opinion must be heard repetitively in order to gain the upper hand. Often the arguer is not particularly open to other alternatives, nor willing to openly look at other platforms that may have had success. Subjects such as the constitution, gun control and health care come to mind.
As a non-US citizen I find the behavior baffling. CAF has very much opened my eyes as to how hold-fast people can hold onto their argument in what clearly is a flailing point of view. Considering the majority of the industrialized first world finds certain arguments inconceivable (health care argument comes to mind) I notice if alternative facts are pointed out it is mainly ignored by most. Or strawman arguments are countered.
As the majority of this forum are US citizens - do you also find/notice this? Those that are well traveled - have you noticed a difference in population cohesiveness when you travel to other first world countries? Less fear mongering?
To be clear I LOVE the US. I found most people incredibly welcoming and warm. And I fully concede that this is purely observational and I would hate to stereotype all American citizens. It is just something that has been highlighted to me since joining CAF.