The following Ontological Argument is taken from my draft book (see Preview at www.religiouspluralism.ca).
“The prime assumption of metaphysics is that there must be some perfect systematic unity or there would be nothing (probably not even chaos). That perfect systematic unity is what we call the highest being or God, and there can only be one being in that position – One God.
The early Greek philosophers were obsessed with the question of ontology (what exists). Is reality one thing or many things? More recently, Kant and Hegel maintained that there must be some organizing principle of coherence, some synthesis of thesis and antithesis. Thus, the solution to the ancient ontological problem of the “one and the many” is their synthesis in the “all,” and the triunity of one, many, and all may be conceived as an archetype for expressing the Trinity of One God in abstract terms – the Deity Absolute, the Universe Absolute Supreme Being, and the Unconditioned Absolute Spirit of All That Is.
The idea of One God present in the three counter-balancing coordinates of the Trinity Absolute may be the first adequate and only necessary metaphysical vehicle for the creation of anything and everything, including the Trinity itself, out of nothing more than the ‘force’ of pure and practical reason.
Apparently, about 14 billion years ago the divine potential of this Trinity became so supercharged with energy that it exploded into actuality, and began to expand into the universe of universes as we know it.”
Samuel Stuart Maynes
“The prime assumption of metaphysics is that there must be some perfect systematic unity or there would be nothing (probably not even chaos). That perfect systematic unity is what we call the highest being or God, and there can only be one being in that position – One God.
The early Greek philosophers were obsessed with the question of ontology (what exists). Is reality one thing or many things? More recently, Kant and Hegel maintained that there must be some organizing principle of coherence, some synthesis of thesis and antithesis. Thus, the solution to the ancient ontological problem of the “one and the many” is their synthesis in the “all,” and the triunity of one, many, and all may be conceived as an archetype for expressing the Trinity of One God in abstract terms – the Deity Absolute, the Universe Absolute Supreme Being, and the Unconditioned Absolute Spirit of All That Is.
The idea of One God present in the three counter-balancing coordinates of the Trinity Absolute may be the first adequate and only necessary metaphysical vehicle for the creation of anything and everything, including the Trinity itself, out of nothing more than the ‘force’ of pure and practical reason.
Apparently, about 14 billion years ago the divine potential of this Trinity became so supercharged with energy that it exploded into actuality, and began to expand into the universe of universes as we know it.”
Samuel Stuart Maynes