What lead you to say this?! Was it this:This thread is truly mistitled!![]()
Is this not ontological enough. I admit is far from an exhaustive exhortation on the matter, but still, it does touch a few points. And the discussion, in this thread, went quite well. Can you illumine me, and probably some others, what do you actually mean by this statement?True. Reality is a fact. We believe for it is real. There is nothing more real than what God says. God spoke reality into existence. So if his in charge, he must know what is real and what is not. I adhere to the Word of God. The word Logos, which you can find it in the Prologue of John, can also be translated as reality. Through the Logos of God, through the Reality of God, all things came to be. So, what God says is more real than any puny human mind can conceive.
Reality can be applied, first and foremost, to God. And in a way he is the only reality. All other things get their reality from him. His essence is to be. He cannot not be. He is.
As Thomas Aquinas put it: He is ipsum esse, the very existence, the very substance of to be.
God designates himself as YHWH: I am who I am. Jesus refers to himself many times with I am. God is the very foundation of reality and existence, without him nothing can be.