Ooops..ate meat

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With all due respect, I don’t think you are reading the links I provided…
Yes, I read it last year. Still not agreeing with Jimmy Akin though. Neither do other learned theologians. He refers primarily to the words used by the episcopal conference, when the basis of canon law is, according to my commentary on canon law, the apostolic constitution of Paul VI.

Instead I agree with the two other rather reliable sources I already refered to. Is that so hard for you to imagine? Perish the thought that of all the books I have on my shelf written by Jimmy Akin, that I would dare to think he made an error.
I would rely more on what the United States bishops have said in recent years than what was said nearly 40 years ago given the dispensation obtained for the American church.
I don’t see that what the NCCB in 1966 says differs from what the USCCB in 2000 says.

Yet, I rely upon the basis for the canons in current canon law, which is Paul VI’s apostolic constitution, which make clear that all Fridays are days of penance, which “binds gravely.” Commentaries on canon law agree that it is this constitution which the current canons are based upon, and it is therefore, this constitution which should provide the context for how the canons ought to be interpreted.

Nevertheless, the USCCB in 2000 stated, “*we specify certain days and seasons for special works of penance… Fridays Throughout the Year—In memory of Christ’s suffering and death, the Church prescribes making each Friday throughout the year a penitential day.” *(

There’s that pesky word “prescribes” again. According to Merriam-Webster, it doesn’t come close to meaning “suggest” as you have implied. The Church does not suggest making all Fridays of the year penitential days because Pope Paul VI said in his apostolic constitution, "The days of penitence to be observed under obligation through-out the Church are all Fridays… Their substantial observance binds gravely."
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