Open Letter to Hillary Clinton from Deal Hudson

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I received this e-mail today from Deal Hudson and thought it was worth the read…
Morley Institute for Culture & Church Newsletter **January 2005** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
**in this issue**
-- Letter to Senator Clinton


**Letter to Senator Clinton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**
An Open Letter to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton January 27, 2005 **************************************** ****** Dear Senator Clinton, I want to congratulate you on your January 24th speech to 1000 pro-abortion activists in Albany, New York. Your challenge to them about communicating with leaders of the pro- life movement represents an important opportunity to help build a culture of life in our country. Your affirmation of the influence of "religious and moral values" might help lessen the charges of religious extremism that are so often hurled against men and women of faith who participate in public life. You also affirmed in a recent Boston speech the constitutional legitimacy of Bush's faith-based initiative noting that your husband moved in this direction during his presidency. Your words may encourage members of Congress to provide more support for the faith-based program. You want to break down barriers -- between those who are pro-life and supporters of abortion and between secularists and those who openly express their faith in politics. I hope that you will lead by example. I hope you will meet with leaders of the pro-life movement and politically- active religious leaders. Who you talk to will be crucial. Please talk to leaders who represent the core of the pro-life movement. Meet with the evangelical and conservative Catholic leaders who want to overthrow Roe v. Wade, protect traditional marriage, and outlaw cloning and medical research on fetal stem cells. These leaders will agree with you that "we want every child born in this country to be wanted, cherished and loved." But you will find out that these leaders will not "compromise" on whether an unborn baby is a human life worthy of protection by law. You will also find out that they believe the rights of an unborn child to be protected from harm are not created by the mother when she loves and cherishes her child. They will tell you that the right to life is given by God, a fact that is recognized in our country's Declaration of Independence. I note that you are going to speak at a Jesuit college in Buffalo, New York in a few days on "The Governmental Role in Caring for the Sick"continued...
Your lecture is being co-sponsored by a Catholic dissident group named “Call to Action.” I hope you will not make the mistake of Senator John Kerry whose understanding of the Catholic vote was supplied by leading dissenters. I also hope you will not adopt the position of many Catholics who think that abortion should be fought primarily through eliminating poverty. Your remarks of the past few days have been met with skepticism in the pro-life community. After all, your Senate voting record is 100% pro-abortion. You voted against the ban on partial-birth abortion, the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act, and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. I am sure you understand the causes of the skepticism and the concern that your remarks are merely a cosmetic display of words intended to soften your image and that of your political party among the religiously active voters, 60% of whom voted for Bush in the last election. I hope your words are not cosmetic. If they are they will not fool voters. I look forward to seeing further reports of your attempt to reach out to the pro-life and religious community. Your words have created an opportunity for conversation between adversaries that can possibly be very beneficial to our country and to the future of American politics. If you limit your conversations to those who share your assumption about upholding Roe v. Wade – those who think the rights of the unborn are bestowed by the mother – the opportunity will be lost. Sincerely yours, Deal Hudson Executive Director Morley Institute for Church & Culture Read on…
space ghost:
your thoughts???
I feel that Deal is calling her to task and putting her on notice that we the faithful are not going to be easily fooled by her tatics…He’s asking her to put her money where her mouth is…
I feel that Deal is calling her to task and putting her on notice that we the faithful are not going to be easily fooled by her tatics…He’s asking her to put her money where her mouth is…
I feel he did a wonderful job of it too:thumbsup:
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