In mid-July this year it became known that the archbishop of Santiago del Guatemala, Monsignor Gonzalo de Villa y Vásquez, a priest of the Society of Jesus, was linked to the now defunct Soros Guatemala Foundation from the 1990s to the early years of the new millennium. .
Interviewed by ACI Prensa on that occasion, Monsignor De Villa y Vásquez said that “at that moment I was not aware or at least I have no memory of being” of George Soros’ agenda.
Open Society Foundations, created by Soros in 1993 as the Open Society Institute (OSI), funds various campaigns for abortion around the world.
In 2016, it became known that the Soros Foundation moved $ 1.5 million to silence the Planned Parenthood scandal, accused of selling organs and tissues from aborted babies at its US facility.
Over the past four years, the Soros Foundation has donated nearly $ 12 million to the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and its US political arm, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
In 2017, the Irish government ordered Amnesty International to return Soros over $ 160,000 donated by his Open Society Foundation for a campaign to legalize abortion in that country.
An Open Society Foundation document leaked by
DCLeaks.com in 2016 revealed that a “victory” for abortion in Ireland was important to Soros’ organization in order to “influence other strongly Catholic countries in Europe”.
In 2018, the Open Society Foundations donated $ 200,000 to the falsely Catholic abortion organization Catholics for Choice, the American parenting organization of Catholics for Choice.
Forbes business magazine estimates George Soros’ wealth at $ 8.3 billion.
The Open Society Foundation’s budget for 2020 is $ 1.2 billion.