To say that something can’t be infallible all the time, assumes some ligitmacy yet allows room for error. But according to your own position, Science is completly invalid in regards to knowing truth because we can never know if objective reality is real. Science thus becomes a mere tuatology, unless one is willing to have a reasonable faith that objective reality exists. But then we must admit that, ultimately we aquire knowledge through faith. In which case one is reasonable in having faith based beliefs that are supported by reason or probability based on experience so long as they are consistent with other forms of knowledge that make up our world veiw.
Well yes, I think it’s reasonable to assume there are objects around us even though we can’t provide any air-tight proof of such. But I think most will agree that it’s one thing to trust one’s senses and that it’s quite another to postulate the existence of unobservable, infinitely complex intelligent beings to cover up the gaps in our understanding of the universe. That is, unless you’ve trained your mind to think this is reasonable.
Are you willing to admit this in a court of law?
Depends. Are you intentionally being dramatic?
Seriously, I’ve been upfront this entire time. There’s no reason for you to feel that I’m trying to trick you.