At the end of the day the chief burden of a failure in NFP is borne by the wife - so realistically, if you find yourself with more babies than you can cope with…
This is one of the most jaded and and classless statements I have every read on CAF. A baby is a “failure?” A “burden?” Just gross.
What happened to human dignity? My goodness!!
I understand your own children and babies can be tiresome, but seriously.
And I would also like to qualify this statement by saying that my husband and I are using NFP right now for various important reasons, but “a failure” of NFP in our situation would be extra work, but still a huge blessing, gift, friend, sister or brother to each of us. Your grossly inappropriate way of phrasing the situation is just so, so, sad.
And also, NFP rarely if ever fails. It is the couple that usually fails to use the scientific data correctly. We use a Tempdrop armband, with an app called Ovuview that collects the biofeedback from the Tempdrop thermometer and interprets the data to determine fertility. It has simplified the entire process. Im so glad I havent ever subjected my body to artificial hormones. I know plenty of women who have suffered greatly as a result of artificial means of avoiding pregnancy.
Lastly, I wanted to adress the OP. You have said your future wife is a cafeteria Catholic. Meaning, she interprets and chooses her own dogma based off of her own views. I would consider what her views on divorce are, as well. Sometimes, submission, trust and humility to a higher authority are not such bad things. Convenience and personal interpretation can mean a house built on sand.
I am not sorry to be so harsh in this post. My intent was to cut to the quick. You don’t play around with this stuff.