Interesting thread. My daughter is not yet of “video-game-age” as you put it (shes only 10 months old) but I don’t plan to completly ban video games from my house-hold.
Problem with society is they always seek others to blame for their problems. Case in point, when murderers and rapists claim they “turned out that way” because of a bad childhood. Or when people blame Columbine High school shooting on video games.
Remember when Senator Libermann went on an “Anti-Videogame Crusade” because of the violence being displayed in a particular title, “Mortal Kombat”. Most of his rhetoric was completly un-true and gross exaggeration of statistics.
My parents divorced when I was 8 years old. My brother ( 4 years younger than me) and myself, lived with my Mom, and visited my dad on the weekends. For years, my mom and her various boyfriends beat my brother and I, told us how worthless we were. Videogames were like anything else, they were an escape for me from the pain of my everyday life.
Eventually I told my father, and he got custody of me. I never saw my mother for 10 years, until about the age of 20. I forgave her for her past transgressions (hardest thing I’ve ever done).
Did I turn out to be a murderer? A rapist? No
Did I smoke marijuana or drink alchohol like everyone else in Highschool? No.
Did I go to partys and have sex? No.
Even after my father kicked me out of the house at age 18 for “not-being-Christian-enough” (he was a hardline Protestant).
How did I turn out?
I have a wonderful marriage of 3 years, a beautiful 10 month old baby at home, and I proudly serve my country as a Military Police officer in the US-ARMY.
Am I a violent person? Nope.
Do I ever hit my wife? Nope.
Have I ever been arrested for ANYTHING?? Nope.
Needless to say, I have a good feeling that videogames do not create murderers and rapists, and wife beating husbands.
I can tell the difference between reality, and fictional video games, thank you. I don’t need the government stepping in and telling my children what is right and what is wrong, I can, and I prefer to do that myself.
The problems we face today regarding video-games have everything to do with the parents not taking responsibility and monitoring their childrens actions and nothing to do with the videogame industry. After all, if you do not allow your children to play video games, you might as well remove your TV, so that they can not watch the violent, sexual innuendo filled trash that is currently being pumped into your home. Of course that means you as the parent won’t be able to watch TV as well. After all, you can’t expect the old “do as I say, not as I do” comment to work on your children forever.
What do I suggest? All Video-games are marked with a rating scheme similar to movies. I suggest parents take a long hard look at the product their child wants, look at the rating on the box, do their homework (I.E you can look up information on the particular game in question on the Internet), and possibly limit their game time to 2-3 hours per day.
Laws are currently being implemented that would hold the stores that sell Mature rated games to children responsible for civil actions. I believe this is great, but I do think this is as far as the government should go.
Its time for parents to start being responsible and quit blaming the media.