Opinion on what these 2 young catholics did?

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This video describes the tragic, yet intriguing video of two young catholic men returning to the catholic church.

These two young men at a young age as altar boys were sex ually molested by members of the clergy. The two men obviously were shaken and left the church for a period of time. In there mid twenties they have found God again and are returning to church. Unfortunately they feel that they cannot get through mass without getting drunk, and in the middle of the mass they get drunk to cover up the awful things that happened to them in the church where mass takes place.

Understandably, the priest and parish members get upset and eventually eject them from the service. Many people will just write these 2 men off as losers, but I find the story very interesting and tragic, and I don’t think kicking them out was the right thing to do, based on the prior injustices the church had committed against them.

I unfortunately cannot include links but please message me if you would like to see the 15 min documentary about these 2 men
Thoughts please
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Posted in another section, not sure where to put it but please delete if not appropiate)
This video describes the tragic, yet intriguing video of two young catholic men returning to the catholic church.

These two young men at a young age as altar boys were sex ually molested by members of the clergy. The two men obviously were shaken and left the church for a period of time. In there mid twenties they have found God again and are returning to church. Unfortunately they feel that they cannot get through mass without getting drunk, and in the middle of the mass they get drunk to cover up the awful things that happened to them in the church where mass takes place.

Understandably, the priest and parish members get upset and eventually eject them from the service. Many people will just write these 2 men off as losers, but I find the story very interesting and tragic, and I don’t think kicking them out was the right thing to do, based on the prior injustices the church had committed against them.

I unfortunately cannot include links but please message me if you would like to see the 15 min documentary about these 2 men
Thoughts please
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I am sorry these men suffered trauma. I understand it can be scary to visit places that you associate with bad things happening or bad memories. I have had this issue myself a few times, although my bad memories did not involve churches or sexual molestation.

However, getting drunk is not a healthy response to cope with trauma or fear of any sort. It will just lead to worse things, such as having two problems - the unprocessed trauma and the alcohol dependency. The Church also teaches us that we should not be drinking to excess like that, and it’s also socially inappropriate to be drunk in public places such as church, work, the public square, etc.

The two men should get therapy to help them hopefully be able to enter a church again without needing to use alcohol or another substance. They might need to work their way up to being able to spend time in a church. Perhaps there is a support group who would send a person to accompany the men to church and help them to get through as much of the service as they could, allowing them to take breaks or even leave early if they had reached their limit. Perhaps the priest could be informed of what’s going on with these men and he could help in some way. All of these things would be healthy ways to deal with a trauma.

If however people just show up drunk in church, and the priest and parishioners have no idea what is going on, one can’t really fault them for asking the men to leave.
I am sorry these men suffered trauma. I understand it can be scary to visit places that you associate with bad things happening or bad memories. I have had this issue myself a few times, although my bad memories did not involve churches or sexual molestation.
I agree, it would be incredibly painful and confusing for me if i were them.
However, getting drunk is not a healthy response to cope with trauma or fear of any sort. It will just lead to worse things, such as having two problems - the unprocessed trauma and the alcohol dependency. The Church also teaches us that we should not be drinking to excess like that, and it’s also socially inappropriate to be drunk in public places such as church, work, the public square, etc.
I agree, they are making it worse for themselves.
The two men should get therapy to help them hopefully be able to enter a church again without needing to use alcohol or another substance. They might need to work their way up to being able to spend time in a church. Perhaps there is a support group who would send a person to accompany the men to church and help them to get through as much of the service as they could, allowing them to take breaks or even leave early if they had reached their limit. Perhaps the priest could be informed of what’s going on with these men and he could help in some way. All of these things would be healthy ways to deal with a trauma.
I agree with this as well, but the men seemed more interested in disrupting mass by drinking open containers of alcohol and then trying to justify it.
If however people just show up drunk in church, and the priest and parishioners have no idea what is going on, one can’t really fault them for asking the men to leave.
I agree, but I don’t think it was right for them to be escorted out after what happened to them
I think its more likely they have a drug or alcohol or mental health issue and that has taken over their lives to the point, even though they want to celebrate mass, they cannot remain sober before it.
I think its more likely they have a drug or alcohol or mental health issue and that has taken over their lives to the point, even though they want to celebrate mass, they cannot remain sober before it.
I think its more likely that the trauma from the sexual molestation is whats causing the drinking in mass
Welcome to CAF, @CatholicLoveMe! Feel free to examine each forum and participate often. I do suggest, though, in view of this crazy world in which we’re now living, and due to the warped minds that target innocent people, that you eliminate your real name or a real nickname from your profile. Hope you make good friends here—keep the faith!
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I agree, but I don’t think it was right for them to be escorted out after what happened to them
Really? Did the people escorting them out know why they were drunk? Even if they did, it wouldn’t matter. They did the right thing. You can’t have drunk people at mass.
Please do not make duplicate threads in different forums either. One is all it takes. 😉
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You will be able to put the link up in a little while. Its just being new that we are not allowed to do certain things. We get to do them as we gain trust in the forum and are determined not to be trouble bots
This video describes the tragic, yet intriguing video of two young catholic men returning to the catholic church.

These two young men at a young age as altar boys were sex ually molested by members of the clergy. The two men obviously were shaken and left the church for a period of time. In there mid twenties they have found God again and are returning to church. Unfortunately they feel that they cannot get through mass without getting drunk, and in the middle of the mass they get drunk to cover up the awful things that happened to them in the church where mass takes place.

Understandably, the priest and parish members get upset and eventually eject them from the service. Many people will just write these 2 men off as losers, but I find the story very interesting and tragic, and I don’t think kicking them out was the right thing to do, based on the prior injustices the church had committed against them.

I unfortunately cannot include links but please message me if you would like to see the 15 min documentary about these 2 men
Thoughts please
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Please stop duplicating your thread.
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