Opinion on what these 2 young catholics did?

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If you are not satisfied, then mention it in your thread. It is against the rules to duplicate your threads.
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It doesn’t matter if you were satisfied. It’s a violation of CAF to duplicate a thread. And you were told on the other one not to duplicate.
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Yes it is. It’s the exact same copy-pasted OP as your first few ones. You are not allowed to make duplicate threads.
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I haven’t needed to look at your profile. Your other thread is on the front page as we speak.

The rules exist for a reason. It’s not stalking to recognize it and request it stop.
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Are you trolling? The video in question is just these guys’ idea of a prank.
Yes, I did. Anyway, I’d post the video myself, but the video itself probably breaks a ton of forum rules.
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I am not allowed to include links in the post.

search nelk “shotgunning in church” youtube documentary

Shotgunning is drinking one beer in one gulp
So it seems it was a prank, it seems this has a cult following, it is nothing to do with mental health issues, it is just a disrespectful prank. I searched your terms.
Didnt you realise they have been doing this repeatedly and it is a prank?
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@CatholicLoveMe, I’m confused by your pattern of posting. What are your thoughts and intentions by posting the way you are?

You joined this forum less than 24 hours ago and have created three different threads about the same one topic.

In this one thread alone you’ve posting a follow up comment that’s a verbatim copy/paste of your thread-starting post.

And in one of your follow up comments you wrote both the following:
… but the men seemed more interested in disrupting mass by drinking open containers of alcohol and then trying to justify it.
I don’t think it was right for them to be escorted out after what happened to them
So… in your own words, your thoughts are that the men were willfully trying to disrupt a Mass, but you don’t think it’s right for someone to be escorted out of a Mass they’re trying to disrupt?

Are you just trying to stir up controversy? Trying to incite people to either act angry at the men, and/or act angry at those who escorted the men out?

My own thoughts are that those responding to your post are responding well by adopting neither extremist position you seem to be trying to whip up. We can both be compassionate to victims of abuse, and respect the right of religious communities to have worship services uninterrupted by unexplained public drunkenness.

This seems like an attempt to manufacture outrage or dissent among people of good will. I hope nobody bites.
So… in your own words, your thoughts are that the men were willfully trying to disrupt a Mass, but you don’t think it’s right for someone to be escorted out of a Mass they’re trying to disrupt?
Correct, But I also don’t think people who were sexually molested by church clergy should be ejected from mass even if their drinking is a disruption. My point was that no one cared enough to say anything when these boys were being molested, but for some reason everyone is super upset when they use alcohol to cover up the pain.

Why is it ok for sexual assault and molestation of children to occur but this is so bad that they kicked them out right away.

makes no sense
Why is it ok for sexual assault and molestation of children to occur but this is so bad that they kicked them out right away.

makes no sense
Come on, friend.

False dilemma and you surely know it.

This is not a dilemma where either

Sexual molestation is bad and drunken disruption of religious services is good


Sexual molestation is good and drunken disruption of religious services is bad

Rather, obviously it’s both true that sexual molestation is a horrific crime, and also it’s reasonable to escort openly drunken men out of a public religious service.

Also, another commenter mentioned that he has seen the video and apparently these men have been doing this repeatedly as part of a prank? This strikes me as plausible (many people do fraudulent stuff like this as either pranks or what they call ‘social experiments’). Why do you dismiss the possibility?
But in the catholic church there seems to be an eagerness to shush up sexual assault allegations.
We know sexual assault is wrong, but if you’re theory was right we wouldn’t have a crisis in our church right now with this issue.
This crisis has been receiving attention and remedial action for years, I’d invite you to browse this website or others for up to date run downs of the current state of the response and programs and initiatives well underway to serve victims of sexual abuse and prevent new victimizations.
This is not a joking matter. Sexual Assault accusations isn’t something to make up or make fun of.
Exactly why we should all hope that it’s not true that these men are pranksters. But as another commenter has pointed out apparently there is reason to believe these men are pranksters who have pulled this particular stunt “repeatedly”.

And now I have just googled it, based on your suggested search terms
search nelk “shotgunning in church”
and yes, the producers in question call it a “prank” themselves. So that puts that question to rest.

So go tell them this isn’t a joking matter. Everyone here already agrees with you on that front.

I don’t plan to respond further to this thread. I think existing responses have addressed the topic adequately.
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I understand your point. But in the catholic church there seems to be an eagerness to shush up sexual assault allegations. We know sexual assault is wrong, but if you’re theory was right we wouldn’t have a crisis in our church right now with this issue. By escorting out former victoms of sexual assault by priests they are essentialy shushing them again
Again this is clearly a prank as evidenced with all the ‘shotgunning in church’ youtubes.
One minute of youtube fame.

To try to link this with sexual abuse by clergy is not right. This shotgunning seems to be a game these kids are playing.
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