Opinions on "God is Grey" (Brenda Marie Davies) and woke Christianity

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She has many viewpoints .

Well I agree that some chirstians are very judgemental and that we should be more loving and open to debate rather than scream and saying you are going to hell and you to or saying this like your a luke warm and not give reasons as to why .

I also agree with her that we should see the hewbrew , Greek ans the historical context when in doudt

And that we should be civilized .

But here are the things that I find wierd :

She believes that homosexuality is not a sin
And debunks all verses explaining that we are not under the mosaic law so old testament should not be used less we can pork and other practices
that Jesus never mentions homosexuality
And Paul did but Paul is a man and has flaws and that he did not refer to homosexuality but rather some other pagan things .(which is wierd since the Bible teaches that all scripture is from god )

She even proposed that the centurion slave was his lover and Jesus healed him ( even if this was true don’t how this proves that homosexuality is not a sin since Jesus healed sinners all the time)

She also believes that abstaining to marriage is good but that sex before marriage is not a sin it’s just tradition .

Judgment: while I said I agree with her that baseless accusations and hateful jugdmental chirstians are wrong .
What I find wierd about her( even though its more vague on her part )
She dislikes it when some calls her and anyone for there matter a lukewarm chirstian
Now of course baseless accusations are bad but I don’t know how she reacts to
But I do now that some progressive chirstians are called lukewarm with arguments as to why they’re called that and still find that offensive.
In her video about being pregnant about she says being pregnant is a wonderful thing as she feels for all the people who get judged because of premarital pregnancy
Now I don’t know what to her jugdmental is it could be people begging her to repent or the others who hate

This is a thing I find wierd about woke Christianity if you try to judge even when one does it politly ans with arguments
They get pissed and say that only God can judge me or try to twist the scripture to makes one lifestyle acceptable.

The other main point is that she believe that she found a loophole about masturbation that so long as one does not have lustful thoughts about masturbation it’s fine .

Now my question is how do you react to all of this and what’s is your recommendation for other chirstians that don’t now about this movement and how do you thing we should debate this people on the matter of scripture
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The other main point is that she believe that she found a loophole about masturbation that so long as one does not have lustful thoughts about masturbation it’s fine .
She is wrong.

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Who is she, and where did she get such “insight” that seemed to have passed by all the great theologians of the past two millennia?

It sounds to me like she is reading Scripture and reading her opinions into it- and when she can’t do so, she merely accuses the writers of being “flawed” on those points.

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one contorts the Gospel in their image.
Well I agree that some chirstians are very judgemental and that we should be more loving and open to debate rather than scream and saying you are going to hell and you to or saying this like your a luke warm and not give reasons as to why .
Some are, but from what I have seen in my life (ok, not counting the internet), Christians aren’t really like that. Even one of my more… uh… straightforward friends… is not like this to people. There may be warnings or something, but he would never condemn someone to Hell (certainly not non-Christians) to their face. Speaking about Catholics, I haven’t even seen anyone be like this at all.
I also agree with her that we should see the hewbrew , Greek ans the historical context when in doudt
That’s an excellent point too. I do that a lot- and even if I do not know Hebrew or Greek, I can google words around it or ask people who actually speak them (or compare in different languages I know to figure out the translation I guess? ).
But here are the things that I find wierd :
Same. But then again, what can you expect without Magisterium. If there is no authority, one can literally find any beliefs they wish. We can misinterpret things we see that are written in our age and by our language- how much easier is it to misinterpret Bible written before 2K years and in totally different language, which was not even mother language of writers…
God should always be capitalized, fyi. I am not interested in progressive Christianity. I am sure you must have noticed that the name of this site is CatholicAnswers, not Christian answers. I have no interest in that site.
well mate i just came hear to see ones opinions and if you dont want to talk about its ok but anyone thank you for your contribution
she is a progresive chirstian youtuber god is grey that belives that the future of the religion is progresive

" where did she get such “insight"
i dont know she claims to study the hewbrew and greek but it does not seem like it since she belives in the gay roman centurion theory wich almost no scholar not even athiest agree with

this is coment from one of her followers

"making a bisexual pride flag under Jesus. Jesus gave his life for our sins to be washed away, but being bi wasn’t my sin, but instead feeling shame come over me whenever I would hear someone say that homosexuality is a sin because I shouldn’t feel ashamed over something like that, that I should feel proud, "
god is grey also agrees with this and says the problem is not lgbt is claims the church is the problem since it makes us hate homosexuals and that god loves us

and her flowers and flowers of progresive chirsnainity say they follow sound doctrine yet say things like

**God did not build the church’s man did "

and one thing that really bothers me is that they belive that
people continue to recive divine revelations that push the faith forward and the holy sprit moves us fowards since with out these new revelations the bible would be outdated

so i think that is why she never mentions the church fathers or theologians since they are outdated

so by that and when she says god revealed this to me she belives that she got revelations from god

either way thank you for you feedback
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agree with both points.

in the third one not even that beacuse she uses non popular theories to prove her point or uses the argument that paul is flawed so takes his scripture with a grain of salt and last but not leas jesus did not mention it.

i can assure you even with no magisterium one can find the answers to that but she is convinced she is correct not due to the book but like i mentioned the belive that new revelations makes the religion “evolve”
now i have no idea what these new revelations are
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yeah it never made sense to me the “jesus never said it so its ok argument”
i can assure you even with no magisterium one can find the answers to tha
Yeah, but without Magisterium one can not be sure whether they are correct- with Magisterium you won’t find any nonsense, without it you may.
she uses non popular theories to prove her point or uses the argument that paul is flawed so takes his scripture with a grain of salt and last but not leas jesus did not mention it.
Its not about popularity… but then again she goes against History of entire Church and against what our Lord and Savior promised us- to keep Church free from heresies.
now i have no idea what these new revelations are
That happens often. Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses…
yeah but one thing is to say that angel came and said this to you and the other things is that the holy sprirt does , and at what times with the exeception that the holy sprit sent the revelation that the slaves should be free to whom i dont know

but i dont even know since she is thankfull that new revelations exist or the religion would be outdated

say what you want about mormons at least they are consistent and have a theology that is explained
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Who is she? God is Capital G. Why do you listen or even pay attention to ‘she’
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she is a progresive chirstian youtuber her name is God is grey thats the name of the chanel

i pay attention to her beacuse i have seen this trend of progresive christianity that sounds really nice but its has minor yet significant theological errors and one must know this to figure out how to deal with it
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