Opus Dei: a cult?

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…Whether you like it or not, there is a significantly higher level of noise around Opus Dei.
Of course there is! Do you think Satan is going to let Opus Dei alone when it’s founder is a recently canonized Saint (Josemaria Escriva)… and highly recognized and approved of by the Catholic Church for it’s wonderful ordinary way to sanctity???
I know why the secular crowd is against Opus Dei. Catholics who belong to groups like this tend to be more devout and thus less influenced by the “Secularists” . . .
First heard of Opus Dei from secularists (cultural marxists actually). They were so distressed by it, I figured Opus Dei must be a pretty good group.

Recently I’ve asked in a few forums why the media doesn’t report on Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court–John Roberts–connection, if any, to Opus Dei.

Yikes! I might have well said Freddy Kruger was head to the court.
I am flirting with the idea of joining opus dei, but I’m going to have to research it a little more.
If the Pope and the Catholic Church support Opus Dei then it is fine. And they do support it. It is not like it is an offshoot of Catholicism or something. They are in communion with Rome. It is fine!
First heard of Opus Dei from secularists (cultural marxists actually). They were so distressed by it, I figured Opus Dei must be a pretty good group.

That’s what I figure too.
I was under the impression that Opus Dei disregarded the teachings of Vatican II and still held Mass in Latin. Am I incorrect or confusing this with another group?
I was under the impression that Opus Dei disregarded the teachings of Vatican II and still held Mass in Latin. Am I incorrect or confusing this with another group?
You are, most definitely, wrong about this. St. Josemaria Escriva was very much in favor of Vatican II, and, although he was one of those priests who were, because of age, exempt from the changes in the Mass, insisted on making the change to Mass in the vernacular.

One of the few places you are absolutely sure you will not find liturgical abuses is at a Mass celebrated by an Opus Dei priest. They are wonderful.

Actually, one of the principal teachings of Vatican II is that holiness is for everyone. This is exactly what St. Josemaria was teaching since 1928!
Went once with a friend. Very inspiring and orthodox. Not a spiked belt in sight 😃 I don’t know about overseas but here its great, the priests are supercool! 👍
I’m not affiliated with Opus Dei but personally know several who are (or were) in different parts of the country. The bad experinces appear to be localized.

Though the “system” is capable of helping one live a powerful spiritual life, that also create opportunities for unusually powerful abuse and the internal checks against those issues appear to be lacking, thus giving ammunition to the critics.
Went once with a friend. Very inspiring and orthodox. Not a spiked belt in sight 😃 I don’t know about overseas but here its great, the priests are supercool! 👍
Just the same in Brazil. I also went once with a friend and found it very inspiring.
I have only had extremely positive experiences with Opus Dei. I see an OD priest regularly for confession and attend monthly recollections. I am not a Cooperator, but find that OD is one way that I can strengthen my faith and spurs me on to live a more prayerful life.

St. Josemaria’s writings have only been encouraging to me. I think what I like best is the practicality of the meditations I’ve heard at recollections. As a wife and mother (2 small boys) I need all the practicality I can get!!
Not too long ago I was feeling quite frustrated by the behavior of my little 2 1/2 year old - feeling as if I’ve failed wholeheartedly as a mum. I came across these words by St. Jose and was instantly encouraged:

So you’ve failed? You–be convinced of it— can never fail. You haven’t failed; you’ve acquired experience. Forward!

I loved that… I’ve aquired experience.

I’d like to hear what others consider St. Jose’s ‘negative’ writings.

just my .02 cents.
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