Opus Dei

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I am considering joining Opus Dei. I’ve read about them online but would like to know if anyone here are members. And, if so, what their experience is like as members of Opus Dei? Also, how does one join? Unless I overlooked it, I didn’t see any specifics on how to join on the Opus Dei website. Thanks in advance.
My 2 brothers, ones wife nad myself are cooperators. I’ve been involved for 16 yrs. I’m not a member though. The members are numerary’s ( single members) and supernumerary’s ( married members). Theres no vows for the members so they are free to leave if they like. I have always found it to be a wonderful apostolate. I love the spirituality. It’s big on spiritual and doctrinal formation, apostolate etc. My brothers are sending their kids to schools started by parents who were inspired by the teachings of Opus Dei, and were’nt happy with the failure of state and Catholic schools. The kids are the reverse of the other schools- they usualy grow up to be devout Catholics. You don’t just become a member- it’s a vocation. You can become a cooperator if you feel God calls you to it. You need to attend monthly recollections, try a few cooperators circles ( mthly) and see what you think, you may be advised to go on a weekend retreat to gain a full understanding of whats involved with being a cooperator. Spiritual direction is available to anyone ( member, cooperator, or nothing). You can try out this and see what you think. Ask the priests when confession is available. If they have a centre nearby you will have access to confession most days. The priests are very holy and knowledgeable. Eceryonel tries to live with the spirit of the first Christians , but adapted to the modern world. opus Dei is 100% orthodox. You are not required to pay for spiritual direction etc. If you become a cooperator you need to contribute time, energy, money in accord with your abilities. Donations are voluntary and you are not expected to starve your family etc. Just what you can afford.
My older brother was the first to get involved with Opus Dei, now we have 13/15 of my immediate family practising. There was noone practising 19 yrs ago. 1 is studying the faith right now, and 1 is straggling, but we are still praying and working on him. Besides my immediate family, several other people have returned or converted to the Catholic faith. The blessings as a result of the influence of Opus Dei in my families lives are astounding. Too many to record. It’s truly the Work of God.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
I strongly recommend you give it a shot. Good luck.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
There’s also another thread on this topic on here somewhere, but anyway, I had an interesting thing happen the other day, after reading the other Opus Dei thread.

The day after I read that thread I was shopping in a very large thrift store and was looking in the book section when I noticed a very wee book that practically bit me on the nose. It was Josemaria Escriva’s The Way, which is very important to Opus Dei, as he founded it, I believe. I took it as a sign, that I must investigate it further, and read his words so I bought it for 69 cents and have been reading it ever since! It is simple and brilliant and has much love in it. I am quite taken with it, really. I don’t know if this means I should check out Opus Dei or not but I do feel very blessed to come upon this little gem. Perhaps sometime I will seek out an Opus Dei meeting, who knows?

God bless you, friend!

I’ve been to some of their days of recollection. Every time I’ve said, “Next time I’m going to audio tape these things.” The priests are rock solid and give great guidance. Find a friend in Opus Dei and ask a whole bunch of questions.

Tight, you’re looking into Opus Dei too (I am beginning my research).
I am considering joining Opus Dei. I’ve read about them online but would like to know if anyone here are members. And, if so, what their experience is like as members of Opus Dei? Also, how does one join? Unless I overlooked it, I didn’t see any specifics on how to join on the Opus Dei website. Thanks in advance.
Try this link.

I am considering joining Opus Dei. I’ve read about them online but would like to know if anyone here are members. And, if so, what their experience is like as members of Opus Dei? Also, how does one join? Unless I overlooked it, I didn’t see any specifics on how to join on the Opus Dei website. Thanks in advance.
Other opinions

This is not a reliable website. Below is a small portion of mistakes from one section.
Fact and Fiction of Opus Dei
Suffering. Opus Dei teaches that each day’s activity should be sanctified by offering it up to God. “I’m not looking for Catholic lite,” says Laurance Alvarado, who lives in Chevy Chase, Md. He has been with the group for five years and plans to become a full member next year. The lifelong commitment will require him to attend mass daily and contribute a percentage of his earnings to the group. He’ll be allowed to live at home with his family, unlike more senior members, who are expected to give all their money to the group and be celibate. They also practice “corporal mortification”–such as whipping oneself–to emulate the suffering of Jesus.

In reply to a few points.
  1. Opus Dei members make no vows. There is no lifelong membership, if they want to leave. They are free to leave whenever they want. Married members are not expected to live away from their families, nor live a vow of chastity. Single members may live together, and like every other Catholic, they struggle to live chastity according to their state of life.
  2. Members are not expected to give all their money.
    3.Members are the same as all Catholics. they are expected to practise mortification. We are all called to be Saints according to the Church. The only way to become a St is through prayer, penance and almsgiving. These have been called the pillars of faith for centuries. If people don’t believe that we need to do penance, then they are deluded. members whip themselves on saturdays, but it’s voluntary as to how hard they do it. This prctise goes back to the first Christians.
Summary- I have not perused the whole website. i don’t have time. But I will just say that the western world has become very secularised and materialistic. The true spirit of Christianity is still there. Opus Dei is not out to win a popularity contest. They will practise the faith as Christ taught and showed us. The Church has made it quite clear that Opus Dei is an approved path to sanctity. Pope JPII loves Opus Dei. Many early members are currently being considered for canonisation. All I can say to people is don’t believe the negative things you hear. Opus Dei is great.
… I don’t know if this means I should check out Opus Dei or not but I do feel very blessed to come upon this little gem. Perhaps sometime I will seek out an Opus Dei meeting, who knows?
Hi Geraldine…I think you should check it out;) Who knows…
Okay. I realize I’m a terrible person and everything, but doesn’t the whipping of your back seem kind of strange? I understand the implications of it and that many saints did it. However, didn’t Pope John Paul II try to discourage that? Also, do you have to whip yourself or can you do other things like fasting? Also, is it true that St. Josemaria Escriva is referred to as “the Father”?

EDIT: Never mind. I was reading something from some lunatic’s website.
Okay. I realize I’m a terrible person and everything, but doesn’t the whipping of your back seem kind of strange? I understand the implications of it and that many saints did it. However, didn’t Pope John Paul II try to discourage that? Also, do you have to whip yourself or can you do other things like fasting? Also, is it true that St. Josemaria Escriva is referred to as “the Father”?

I know he’s a saint and all but even Padre Pio hated it when people venerated him.
I suggest that you check out this site for the REAL truth and answers to questions…
This whipping thingy is really making me ill. Opus Dei is one of the finest ways to sanctify yourself in your ordinary life/work that I know of…why does this always come up? I have never whipped myself nor do I know anyone else who uses this practice…I’ve been a Cooperator for more than 4 years…:confused:
Good link Annunciata. I will have to really check it out some time.

In reply to the whipping.
Why have so many Saints done this?
As Catholics, we understand that suffering has value.
It’s not just opus Dei that takes the necessity of penance seriously. All our great orders throughout history have done the same thing.
They are not massochists. Noone takes pleasure in suffering.
But we shall suffer intensely in purgatory, if we don’t atone for our sins in this life. Those who are called to a higher vocation do extra penance / mortification. This follows the example of Christ.
Suffering can and does benefit the whole Church. Unfortunately the world scorns suffering today. It’s avoided like the plague. But in Christianity suffering has immense value. It is necessary for all the reasons already explained. And much more.
Opus Dei people don’t go about their duties whilst constantly whipping themselves.
We must conform the world to Christianity, not the reverse.
Contempt of suffering, is contempt of the cross. It’s satanic.
Most worldly people will kill themselves at the gym, getting plastic surgery, painful diets, play sports. They are happy to go through great suffering, yet talk about penance and they cringe.
Athletes break the pain barrier for years to be the best.
Christians must break the pain barrier to be the best Christian. Not all may choose to, but if you want to be a Saint, you have no choice. Opus Dei is mainly focused on small mortifications, but penance under the guidance of a spiritual director is good too.
Noone ever died from too much penance. Sick people excluded.
But plenty became Saints in glory.
Look at Christ. He is the model for us all. Watch the passion movie, that’s the path we are called to. In our own small way we are to make up what’s lacking in the sufferings of Christ. We do this for Christ. For our salvation and for others.
Look at St Padre Pio. Don’t fool yourself. Here we have a man who prayed for suffering and 1000’s of souls will get to Heaven as a result of his sufferings.
Every Saint loved the Cross that God gave them. They saw the immense benefits that came from their cross. Every single one.
I can’t say anymore. If anyone is worried about penance, then worry about salvation, purgatory etc instead.
Deacon Tony560:
Who is Carmen Tapia?
She was a fanatic from what I gather from this article put out by a group called ODAN which appears to be anti-OD…
I found this story on her odan.org/resources_beyond_tammy.htm

Some have good experiences and some have bad experiences in ANYTHING!..They just love to beat OD to death…
Satan must be awfully afraid of this wonderful “Work for God”…:whistle:
Opus Dei is amazing. I have been involved for years, and am becoming a cooperator (finally) when I graduate, this year! Yay! It is one of the best orgainizations ever for keeping life focused on God and keeping us praying and laughing.
Opus Dei is amazing. I have been involved for years, and am becoming a cooperator (finally) when I graduate, this year! Yay! It is one of the best orgainizations ever for keeping life focused on God and keeping us praying and laughing.
Good for you…I’ll keep you in prayer.🙂
I suggest that you check out this site for the REAL truth and answers to questions…
This whipping thingy is really making me ill. Opus Dei is one of the finest ways to sanctify yourself in your ordinary life/work that I know of…why does this always come up? I have never whipped myself nor do I know anyone else who uses this practice…I’ve been a Cooperator for more than 4 years…:confused:
Yeah, I later realized that this was some lunatic’s website. My mistake.
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