Thanks for clarifying that, Nick…I did see that you made an edit to original post…Yeah, I later realized that this was some lunatic’s website. My mistake.
Thanks for clarifying that, Nick…I did see that you made an edit to original post…Yeah, I later realized that this was some lunatic’s website. My mistake.
Hi Anne, thank you! I just may, because I really love Escriva’s *The Way. *It is so personally written, and beautifully simple. God bless you, dear!Hi Geraldine…I think you should check it out Who knows…
Hi Matt,What is the process of becoming a cooperator? And do you just contact your parish for information on Opus Dei in your area?
Thanks! I am going to look into Opus Dei further to find out of this is something I’d be interested in. So far, from what I have read it looks like I’d like to become a cooperator. I just have some more reading to do.Hi Matt,
Check out this link to help find the locals- opusdei.org/
It has links to other Opus Dei websites. And you can find locations around the globe by clicking on Other Countries in the Write us section. Send an email to them and you will get all the info you request…… Or, go/write to your Chancery Office in your diocese and they can direct you to a local group.