Oregon Gym Fined $90,000 For Staying Open During Covid Shutdown, As County Commissioners Take Trips To Hawaii

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Gym fined $90,000 for keeping Salem-area locations open during statewide freeze



Oregon Gym Fined $90,000 For Staying Open During Covid Shutdown, As County Commissioners Take Trips To Hawaii

Brock Simmons
November 29, 2020

…OSHA has fined a Salem, Oregon, gym $90,000 for daring to keep their business open during Democrat Governor Kate Brown’s arbitrary covid shutdown orders. …

His reward for trying to hold onto his livelihood, provide for his employees, and serve his customers is OHSA inspectors levying a multitude of fines against his gyms. KGW reports:
The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has fined Courthouse Club Fitness $90,000 for keeping four Salem area locations open during Oregon’s statewide COVID-19 freeze, which began Nov. 18. . . .
Meanwhile, county commissioners in Oregon who have continually parroted Governor Brown’s orders and pleas to leave home as little as possible have been caught taking luxurious vacations to Hawaii during the shutdown. The Oregonian reports:
As coronavirus cases surged in Oregon, county commissioners representing some of the most hard-hit areas in the state decided to travel — two to Hawaii and one to Mexico.
While two of the trips began before Gov. Kate Brown’s “freeze” travel advisory went into effect, the optics of taking these vacations while Brown was asking Oregonians to take all available precautions to stem the tide of the disease, is causing some county workers and members of the public to wonder about a double standard.

…Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Meieran called in to public meetings from her vacation in Hawaii earlier this month.

On the same day, another area commissioner was also on vacation in Hawaii, KGW reported.

Washington County Commissioner Dick Schouten joined a Zoom meeting that day, the TV station reported, while wearing a Hawaiian shirt and talking about how great the weather was.

He said he was three days into his vacation at that point. Schouten told KGW Tuesday that he was back from Hawaii and was quarantining for two weeks.

During the same meeting, Washington County Commissioner Jerry Wiley announced that he was leaving for Mexico on Nov. 16. KGW reported that a county spokesperson said he would be back Dec. 1.

Wiley’s trip came after the governor joined California and Washington governors on Nov. 13 in urging people not to travel unless it is essential.

. . . Meieran, a practicing ER doctor, who told Willamette Week on Nov. 12, from her Hawaiian vacation, that Brown should impose another, tougher, statewide lockdown.

“…not a pause but a real shutdown,” Meieran told Willamette Week… . .

. . . As we all know, the edicts and orders only apply to us peasants. The political class is exempt and can do whatever they want…
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Governor Brown’s orders and pleas to leave home as little as possible have been caught taking luxurious vacations to Hawaii during the shutdown.
Hawaii’s COVID-19 numbers look fairly tame.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Their rule on a mandatory quarantine for two weeks of for one’s entire trip probably help.

I thought about quarantining in Jamaica.
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We get it. People are hypocrites. You know this alone doesn’t disprove their argument, right? The more you post these stories, the more I wonder if the goal is to make us all ask, “If they can risk lives, why can’t I?” And that doesn’t seem like a great question…
I believe you.

At taxpayer expense?
Depends. I don’t know what constitutes “tax payer expense.” If I am employed by the state then the tax payer financed my income. However, however I spend my paycheck is my personal matter. There is no duty to consider the tax payer in that.
You know this alone doesn’t disprove their argument, right?
You know that is not my point right?

My point is their actions tell you THEY do not believe what they are telling you.

Are you defending going off on a “working” vacation with taxpayer dollars (or not) in to “paradise” . . . .

. . . .while the little guy is “locked down” with
Government threats of fines, jail, and possibly violence (jailing by FORCE) against the citizens, FrankFletcher?
My point is their actions tell you THEY do not believe what they are telling you.
I don’t think it does.
Are you defending going off on a “working” vacation with taxpayer dollars (or not) in to “paradise” . . . .

. . . .while the little guy is “locked down” with
Oh, if you travel to remote places, that doesn’t mean that you are free of lockdown. As mentioned before, if someone travels to Hawaii they will have to be on lockdown for two weeks before they have freedom of movement. Jamaica requires a negative test before arrival, and then for another test to be taken upon arrival along with quarantining upon arrival while a second test is performed.
I don’t think it does.
It doesn’t.

If a person tells you that drinking and driving increases risks of death, and the person drinks, and then they drive, does that tell you that they don’t believe that it increases risk of death?

If a person tells you that investing money now could have benefits in the future, but the person fails to invest now, does that tell you that they do not believe that investing now has benefits in the future?
There is also the kind of hypocrisy which is unjust and anti-science, and that is when there are restrictions and penalties for religious institutions and gathers that don’t apply to similar secular organizations. Ex: San Francisco has a limit on outdoor masses, but no restriction on outdoor protests.

There is also they hypocrisy where one group gets fined…like with the gym owner, but other groups do not get fined.

Do you think that is right, or just something that doesn’t bother you?
There is also the kind of hypocrisy which is unjust and anti-science, and that is when there are restrictions and penalties for religious institutions and gathers that don’t apply to similar secular organizations. Ex: San Francisco has a limit on outdoor masses, but no restriction on outdoor protests.

There is also they hypocrisy where one group gets fined…like with the gym owner, but other groups do not get fined.

Do you think that is right, or just something that doesn’t bother you?
Hypocrisy bugs me to no end. I might even say I find them loathsome. But again: it doesn’t by itself disprove an argument. Thinking Sapien provided some pivotal examples as to why – no one has addressed them yet.
You know this alone doesn’t disprove their argument, right?
You know that is not my point right?

My point is their actions tell you THEY do not believe what they are telling you.

Are you defending going off on a “working” vacation with taxpayer dollars (or not) in to “paradise” . . . .

. . . .while the little guy is “locked down” with
Government threats of fines, jail, and possibly violence (jailing by FORCE) against the citizens, FrankFletcher?
I don’t think I suggested anything of the sort?
You are wrong. It does in this case.
If that’s what your epistemology tells you, so be it!
(I didn’t say all cases.)
Oh, that’s an interaction on these forums that I will never forget after this forum is relegated to the past tense. Receiving a defense for something never implied or alleged. 🙂
Actions speak louder than words.
I would generally agree that, with respect to behavior, demonstrations consistent with proclamations are more effective than proclamations without demonstrations.
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I didn’t say “all cases” or “never”.

I explicitly said otherwise.

ThinkingSapien changing my premise.
Receiving a defense for something never applied or alleged. 🙂

I pointed out actions are louder than words.

ThinkingSapien tacitly indicts these leftists accusing them (implicitly) of caring more about their time in Hawaii than the potential of spreading deadly COVID . . .
I would generally agree that, with respect to behavior, demonstrations consistent with proclamations are more effective than proclamations without demonstrations.
So ThinkingSapien. Your argument is they know how dangerous that is . . . But they just don’t care about the people enough to keep them from locking down. Whether they go to Hawaii or Jamaica, or wherever.

Maybe you are right.

But my argument remains. They know how disproportionately low the risk is.
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So ThinkingSapien. Your argument is they know how dangerous that is . . . But they just don’t care about the people enough to keep them from locking down. Whether they go to Hawaii or Jamaica, or wherever.
Not quite. 🤔

Provided someone obeys the restrictions laid out by the state of Hawaii and the airlines someone may be able to travel there and have an enjoyable time while presenting little risks to others or for themselves. Now if they go to Hawaii and do not follow the rules, then they put everyone at risk. That is part of the reason why ignoring the quarantine in Hawaii is an arrest-able offense.

Social distance at home, or social distance on a beach or in your favourite spot in nature. There is a lot of room out there for social distancing!
I prefer to be direct. I think what you are reading as me implying may be you infering. I don’t suggest that, since it is a great way to come to a misunderstanding of my positions. 😉
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I don’t suggest that
Fair enough.

I am happy to take your correction about my perception concerning what you wrote.

someone may be able to travel there and have an enjoyable time while presenting little risks to others . .
That’s good ThinkingSapien. Some people have an elitist attitude about all this.

It is OK for the “upper crust” people like politicians and all of that.

Lockdowns for thee but not for me.

I’m glad you don’t see it that way.

Now you can join me in support, calling for an end to MANDATED lockdowns for everybody!
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It is OK for the “upper crust” people like politicians and all of that.

Lockdowns for thee but not for me.

I’m glad you don’t see it that way.
I think that is more of a problem of economics. Everyone is free to take a trip to Hawaii. But not everyone can afford it. Welcome to capitalism.
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