Organ Donor

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Used to be an organ donor but not any more, NO WAY, when
I found out that they throw away more than half of them donated
if they are not perfect, well I like cheeseburgers, and sodas, and
coffee, and cigarettes and know my organs or not perfect, so they
will probably end up in the trash, plus they can take your eggs, and
do stem cell research, once you sign away the organs they can
do what ever they want with them, sheesh just put me in the ground
with what the good Lord gave me when I came into this earth.
Only my opionion, please don’t give me flack, jack, LOL
Having worked at the New England Organ Bank (secretary) I will do my best to explain in laymans turns what really happens. It is a very long and involved process. All though time is usually of the essence. Even though you may have a donor card, you next of kin is the one who will make the decision. Make sure you make your wishes known. You can’t imagine the wait some of these people go through to get an organ. I think the list is called UNOS (united network for organ sharing) the sickest is placed at the top. I am talking about hearts and livers. Kidneys etc are another story. You have to meet some pretty tough criteria and I always thought that God’s hand must be in it, because for the millions of people out there and this one person to match perfectly, I mean what are the chances. Anyway. Not all hospital personel ask permission for donation from the families of the person who is brain dead. and by brain dead I mean, someone who can not breath on his own with out the respirator. he/she is being kept alive soley by medical intervention. It is a devistating decision to make for the family and not something that is taken lightly. Ever effort is made to use the organs that are needed. I personally did the follow up on kidney recipients, and I can tell you many lived for over 25 years! that is 25 years that they wouldn’t have had. I hope everyone that reads this thread will consider becoming an organ donor. “Don’t take your Organs to Heaven, Heaven knows we need them here!”
Used to be an organ donor but not any more, NO WAY, when
I found out that they throw away more than half of them donated
if they are not perfect, well I like cheeseburgers, and sodas, and
coffee, and cigarettes and know my organs or not perfect, so they
will probably end up in the trash, plus they can take your eggs, and
do stem cell research, once you sign away the organs they can
do what ever they want with them, sheesh just put me in the ground
with what the good Lord gave me when I came into this earth.
Only my opionion, please don’t give me flack, jack, LOL
Make a statement like “they throw away more than half of them donated if they are not perfect” and then say “don’t give me flack”??? Not in THIS lifetime! :eek:

There are medical criteria for acceptability of organs. You think just because you gave an organ, if it is injured, diseased, or malfunctioning, they should put in into somebody whose life depends on it ANYWAY? Just because it was YOURS? Not hardly!! :mad:

I’m not sure you know who THEY are. THEY can only take what organs or tissues you or your surrogate agrees to. Not one molecule more.

You have the absolute right to deny others a chance at life with organs from your dead body. It IS yours, as you know. And that right cannot and should not be taken from you.

What you don’t have a right to do is to spread misinformation and half truths about a process you don’t understand when that misinformation and half truth might mean someone else doesn’t get an organ that could save their life.

It sounds as if you’ve been getting your information from places no more reliable than the internet. There is good info out there, but there is a huge preponderance of bovine poop out there. I want to see the citation in the medical literature that verifies that “they will probably end up in the trash.”

Of course, then that issue begs another question: After your gone and have had your heavenly birthday, precisely what use do you have for your vital organs? I’ve never read anything where a liver or lungs or kidneys or pancreas or corneas or bone marrow are required to live a good live in heaven.

Kyrie eleison!

And Sirach - **THANKS SO MUCH ** for your excellent addition to this conversation! I’m hoping facts can dispel the stuff I’ve seen on here that is urban and internet legend rather than fact. I work in a medical center where transplants take place, and I have seen too many times the value of this precious gift of life. So many people are grateful for God for allowing mankind to attain the knowledge necessary to save lives this way. It’s a very Christian concept, isn’t it: that even in death, life is sustained and goes on.

Deo gratias!
There are medical criteria for acceptability of organs. You think just because you gave an organ, if it is injured, diseased, or malfunctioning, they should put in into somebody whose life depends on it ANYWAY? Just because it was YOURS? Not hardly!! :mad:
I’m not sure you know who THEY are. THEY can only take what organs or tissues you or your surrogate agrees to. Not one molecule more.
You have the absolute right to deny others a chance at life with organs from your dead body. It IS yours, as you know. And that right cannot and should not be taken from you.
What you don’t have a right to do is to spread misinformation and half truths about a process you don’t understand when that misinformation and half truth might mean someone else doesn’t get an organ that could save their life.
It sounds as if you’ve been getting your information from places no more reliable than the internet. There is good info out there, but there is a huge preponderance of bovine poop out there. I want to see the citation in the medical literature that verifies that “they will probably end up in the trash.”
Of course, then that issue begs another question: After your gone and have had your heavenly birthday, precisely what use do you have for your vital organs? I’ve never read anything where a liver or lungs or kidneys or pancreas or corneas or bone marrow are required to live a good live in heaven.
Okay servant1, did some homework and called UC Davis out here
in California, and I was right and wrong and you were right and
wrong too, called and talked to the national organ donor in Nashville Tenn. they told me that if you donate your whole body
to research they can do what ever they want with it for research, and then if you specifically write down which organs not to take they don’t, and what I thought I heard as discarded organs was actually Medical rule out, if they test the organ and it is not good they do not take it. As a matter of fact I am donating blood today
at two p.m. for the fourth of July holiday, ya know years ago I was
an EMT, and so I am not claiming to be a know it all or work at
medical facilities but I do know that science uses fancy words to
get what they think they need, like eggs for stem cell research,
maybe I was afraid this would happen to women, but now I am not
just don’t donate the whole body for research, and that takes care of that, well thank you for your flack, which I knew I would get
from someone out there, the National organ donation center is now sending me a package and information on everything they have and a number to donate bone marrow, the whole point was that society now lies, uses fancy words, stem cell research and
people have to be specific about what organs to donate. I had a
long and good conversation with the lady in Nashville, and thank
you for helping me get back to researching the truth. No hard feelings but I see your point of view too. Do you see mine???
Okay servant1, did some homework and called UC Davis out here
in California, and I was right and wrong and you were right and
wrong too, called and talked to the national organ donor in Nashville Tenn. they told me that if you donate your whole body
to research they can do what ever they want with it for research, and then if you specifically write down which organs not to take they don’t, and what I thought I heard as discarded organs was actually Medical rule out, if they test the organ and it is not good they do not take it. As a matter of fact I am donating blood today
at two p.m. for the fourth of July holiday, ya know years ago I was
an EMT, and so I am not claiming to be a know it all or work at
medical facilities but I do know that science uses fancy words to
get what they think they need, like eggs for stem cell research,
maybe I was afraid this would happen to women, but now I am not
just don’t donate the whole body for research, and that takes care of that, well thank you for your flack, which I knew I would get
from someone out there, the National organ donation center is now sending me a package and information on everything they have and a number to donate bone marrow, the whole point was that society now lies, uses fancy words, stem cell research and
people have to be specific about what organs to donate. I had a
long and good conversation with the lady in Nashville, and thank
you for helping me get back to researching the truth. No hard feelings but I see your point of view too. Do you see mine???
I used to be an EMT myself. Good for you for calling UNOS, etc, and checking with them.

I never said they couldn’t take all your organs - I said they could get whatever permission was given for. I’ve seen the form many times. It has options for the entire body, or for specific choices by donor or donor’s family. Nothing is used for which permission is not given.

UNOS doesn’t go about trying to harvest cadaveric eggs to black-market for stem cell research. Their job is too hard just finding organs to save lives of those who need them. Further, there is no grand scheme on the part of UNOS to use fancy language to obscure their meaning. They take great pains to get people to understand in plain language what they’re talking about. UNOS is not “society” that you mention as lying and deceiving to get things. There is no deep dark conspiracy of deception on the part of the organizations trying to arrange organ donations.

There IS a lot of misinformation and urban legends out there that hinder their work, and thereby cause preventable deaths about every day that goes by.

Keep on searching - and get the info from the horses’ mouth - those that know the process, that have been involved in it. They’ll tell it just like Sirach did and like I’m telling it.
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