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I was speaking to my priest the other day and mentioned I am considering attending Dallas for Theology studies. He commented he had never heard of the university and I told him it was rated pretty high from Catholic.com and other reportable sites as an “orthodox” Catholic university meaning was consistent with Church teaching… he got very upset and said there was only one Catholic Faith and later said he had a problem when people compare Conservative/Liberal Catholics with Orothodoxy… I will admit I am conservative Catholic and do relate my views as traditional and conservative in keeping with our faith. Did I use orthodox in the wrong context?🤷
Are you talking about Dallas Theological seminary? that is a Progressive Dispensational university, why, as a Catholic, would you consider going there?
Are you talking about Dallas Theological seminary? that is a Progressive Dispensational university, why, as a Catholic, would you consider going there?
I think the OP is speaking of The University of Dallas - one of only a handful of North American “Catholic” universities that embrace Ex Corde Ecclisiae, JP II’s document outlining adherence to the Church’s teaching. See link: udallas.edu

I have college age kids, and looking for colleges that embrace Ex Corde Ecclisiae is like finding a needle in a haystack - there aren’t many around, and I don’t think many people looking for colleges are even aware that “most” universities that call themselves “Catholic” do not embrace many of the churches teachings.
oh, okay…forgive my blunder…

of course there are other schools in Dallas beides the one i know of 😊 😉
Sorry for the confusion… I am speaking of the udallas.edu I came across this because of the recommendations here on the CAF and This Rock magazine. The online programs seem very good.

Orthodox? or Conservative? My priest was quite frustrated when I used the term Orthodoxy to refer to the School…but when I got home and looked the definition up on newadvent.org it was exactly what I thought. Do I show this to my priest and risk him thinking I have an “I told you so” attitude or just let his misconception of the definition continue?


Orthodoxy (orthodoxeia) signifies right belief or purity of faith. Right belief is not merely subjective, as resting on personal knowledge and convictions, but is in accordance with the teaching and direction of an absolute extrinsic authority. This authority is the Church founded by Christ, and guided by the Holy Ghost. He, therefore, is orthodox, whose faith coincides with the teachings of the Catholic Church. As divine revelation forms the deposit of faith entrusted to the Church for man’s salvation, it also, with the truths clearly deduced from it, forms the object and content of orthodoxy

Many people use the term “Orthodox to refer to the Eastern Orthodox Churches

Maybe that is where the confusion comes from

I do sort of agree with your priest that using the term to segregate church members into those who are more Catholic than the others is wrong.
There is only one Church.
Many people use the term “Orthodox to refer to the Eastern Orthodox Churches

Maybe that is where the confusion comes from

I do sort of agree with your priest that using the term to segregate church members into those who are more Catholic than the others is wrong.
There is only one Church.
The problem with people who poo-poo the use of “orthodox” is they don’t give us an alternative word for “a place or person who teaches in accord with everything that the Church proposes for belief” (which I think everyone will agree is a mouthful). The expression, “There is only one Church” just scooches past the problem without addressing it. The problem is people want to go where they are going to get authentic Catholic teaching and not something that moves from one trendy saltlick to the next, so “orthrodox” has become the chosen word for it. “Not heretical” would be an alternative, but then people would REALLY go into apoplexy over that term. 🙂
The problem with people who poo-poo the use of “orthodox” is they don’t give us an alternative word for “a place or person who teaches in accord with everything that the Church proposes for belief” (which I think everyone will agree is a mouthful). The expression, “There is only one Church” just scooches past the problem without addressing it. The problem is people want to go where they are going to get authentic Catholic teaching and not something that moves from one trendy saltlick to the next, so “orthrodox” has become the chosen word for it. “Not heretical” would be an alternative, but then people would REALLY go into apoplexy over that term. 🙂
how about “struggling”
how about “struggling”
I take it you want a term for the opposite “orthodoxy”. That actually does get into squishy territory because there are those who genuinely struggle with teaching and those who formally reject it, so there is a difference. I’ll let others mess with that, as I am just applying it to op’s scenario. No one looks at a college and asks if it’s mission statement is “struggling”. Rather, they are either committed to being in accord with Church teaching or they are not, hence we use the term “orthodox”. So it’s not the wrong context at all. It was the priests assumption apparently that Orthodoxy=conservative. Church teaching rather is what it is, and one either accepts it or they don’t. Conservative/Liberal doesn’t really play.
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