Hey everyone, I need some help here…
I’ve been in two different discussions with some Protestant friends of mine this week, and both of them were talking about some “other early churches” that existed besides the Catholic Church.
The Early Churches are the Orthodox Churches…the Catholic Church used to be one of them.
When I mention the fact that there is simply no evidence that these ‘churches’ existed… their response is “well, that’s because the Catholic Church destroyed all the facts of their existence”.
There is plenty of evidence…first there were 12 Apostles who went out after Penecost and started Churches, not just one Apostle (by the way, Peter established two Churches the one in Antioch and the other in Rome). Read any number of the Early Church Fathers from Antioch, from Byzantium, etc. There is a wealth of evidence.
Any ideas?? Investigate the Orthodox Church and the Early Church for yourself.