Ottoman, Netflix Series

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There is a hope for young generation of people.
The young generation of people are educated and most of them want change towards democracy, rights and justice.
Erdoğan lost at big cities, and I think that educated Diaspora wants changes.
But many Turks have the same desease as Moscovites Pan-Slavists, - Shovinism, Pan-Turkism, Turkish ideas of Pan-Islamism, superiority complex, and these are the main reasons why they choose Erdoğan.
Also, it might be the media machine is in the hands of the ruling elites. (like in Putins Russia)
The youth of this country is facing heavy exams by fighting for democracy, and unfortunately their enemy is really strong because it has power propaganda in its hands.
Is Turkey olegarchic capitalism?
I googled info about GDP of Istanbul. Itmight be old.
The GDP (PPP) of Istanbul is according to IMF 682 billion usd (2018) and it’s equal to the PPP of the United Arab Emirates as a country and more than 163 countries on earth. Nominal GDP of Istanbul stands last year around 350 billion usd.
Yea but weighing the past history it is important which way Turkey will go in the future.
In my opinion it is better for democracy and not authoritarism and dictatorship.
I am enjoying the Ottoman series on Netflix as well, and have watched the first 3 episodes so far. By coincidence, I came across the following YouTube video, which features Hurrem and other powerful women from the Ottoman empire (it seems she was the first who really ran the show as her son was Sultan)

[I tried to embed the YouTube video here but apparently I am not able to, so you can search YouTube for **The Hidden World Of The Harem (Suleiman the Magnificent Documentary)** - it is produced by Timeline - World History Documentaries]

Hearing the impact some of the mothers of Sultans had on their sons is giving me good context on Mehmet’s situation in the Netflix show, where his stepmother was a key supporter when he ascended to become sultan. Fascinating stuff!
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