Our Blessed Lord works in mysterious ways, right?

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quite often.

His ways our not our ways.
Since we can’t always see the bigger picture…His ways seem mysterious to us often.
Not always .After all, could we have even begun to imagine the world of today,2000 years

ago . Certain things are no longer such a mystery as they were before. Those who say that ,have to be questioned somewhat, as to why they never talk about how much God has already revealed to us .

Much is hidden in plain sight for His Sheep to hear ,but the goats don’t hear His voice .🙂
I see that this is post for goats .

There are ‘goats’ in the churches ,as well as the atheist goats to whom nothing is revealed ,which will last into the future .

Lovely cynics you are ,but we will have the last laugh on you .

Do you really think that the RCC reveals All her secrets to the goats . No she waits until

the right moment,and puff all the goats will disappear .

PS I am not a catholic ,just a knower of God …
He is a human construct.

We are all actually worshipping something that has been around for much longer. Having had experience of the truth of this, Jesus is now a dead concept to me. I feel nothing for him or from him any more.
Do you really think that the RCC reveals All her secrets to the goats .
Believe me, the RCC will never reveal all her secrets to the goats…Or the sheep. They will never be ready for it.
PS I am not a catholic ,just a knower of God …
I take issue with that statement. No one knows God. People are driven insane trying to understand God, so no, you don’t know Him. How can you possibly ‘know’ a mystery? I’d like to know what has been ‘revealed’ to you, because what has been ‘revealed’ to me probably won’t fit with your beliefs. In all fairness, I am struggling to make it fit with mine. If I am being honest, it has left me very upset at times, but I can’t deny what has taken place.

Best wishes,
He is a human construct.

We are all actually worshipping something that has been around for much longer. Having had experience of the truth of this, Jesus is now a dead concept to me. I feel nothing for him or from him any more.

Believe me, the RCC will never reveal all her secrets to the goats…Or the sheep. They will never be ready for it.

I take issue with that statement. No one knows God. People are driven insane trying to understand God, so no, you don’t know Him. How can you possibly ‘know’ a mystery? I’d like to know what has been ‘revealed’ to you, because what has been ‘revealed’ to me probably won’t fit with your beliefs. In all fairness, I am struggling to make it fit with mine. If I am being honest, it has left me very upset at times, but I can’t deny what has taken place.

Best wishes,
I agree with you to some extent ,but God wishes us to get to know Him. If we are
gong in the wrong direction some day we will come a cropper.
What I meant to say was that I was dong that ,trying to find what He wants .I was a
bit shocked to see it now .It sounds awful, and badly phrased .
I will however say that I think that the Catholic Church has always tried to hide from her
people certain things which were known to early christians .
So while God is always a mystery to us in His Spirit His works are available for us
to study ,and He wants us to do that once we love Him .
He is a human construct.

We are all actually worshipping something that has been around for much longer. Having had experience of the truth of this, Jesus is now a dead concept to me. I feel nothing for him or from him any more.

Believe me, the RCC will never reveal all her secrets to the goats…Or the sheep. They will never be ready for it.

I take issue with that statement. No one knows God. People are driven insane trying to understand God, so no, you don’t know Him. How can you possibly ‘know’ a mystery? I’d like to know what has been ‘revealed’ to you, because what has been ‘revealed’ to me probably won’t fit with your beliefs. In all fairness, I am struggling to make it fit with mine. If I am being honest, it has left me very upset at times, but I can’t deny what has taken place.

Best wishes,
You start by saying that God is a human construct; .So if He is a human construct ,perhaps we can just make up God as we wish Him to be .Or perhaps He is less of a mystery to some; those He decides to reveal Himself to, because thay have been listening . Is the bible not full of people who have personal relationships with Him .How about miracles ,not those of known saints but many others .

When God reveals scientific truths to people ,those are miracles of revelation .All the great
scientists and great writers whose works endure in time are at least deists ,if not practising a religion,which in my opinion is not neccessry to be saved in some cases.

I think that God reveals Himself to people individually in private and many never have that ,because they are blocked by lack of simplicity .

Notice how the non denominational protestants can pray ‘directly and simply’ to the God they know from the Words He spoke through the bible .
.I learned how to speak to God as my friend , who answers prayers ,and who is mystery only for the Catholics .
Mystery religions have been using this device for millenia. Any time the cannot explain a contradiction or hole in their teachings, the fall back on mystery. To me, it is dishonest and cowardly.

How about this: god does not move at all. He is the first cause of creation, but has left humanity completely on its own to evolve and develop. The proof for this should be self-evident. Just look around…do you see any intervention by a benevolent overseer, 'cause I sure don’t.
Mystery religions have been using this device for millenia. Any time the cannot explain a contradiction or hole in their teachings, the fall back on mystery. To me, it is dishonest and cowardly.

How about this: god does not move at all. He is the first cause of creation, but has left humanity completely on its own to evolve and develop. The proof for this should be self-evident. Just look around…do you see any intervention by a benevolent overseer, 'cause I sure don’t.
Where do you live? I have seen many good people who are good because they put into action what they believe God desires. I, myself benefited from those who believed in Jesus Christ , God-man. I was orphaned at an early age, with two sisters, and if it wasn’t for Catholics dedicated to the implementation of their Christian beliefs, I would probably be dead because the secular world is cold, and unloving. I speak for many, many people. I at one time aspired to be a Missionary Priest but my health would not allow it, but I knew others who went to alleviate human suffering. This is the work of God, self-sacrifice, contrary to the secular inclination of self indulgence in material things, and pleasures. The history of the world is made up of an abundance of good things accomplished by those who believe in the Christian God. I’m surprised that you over-look those facts God is present in His believers, His people. If it wasn’t for them I would fear for society, I don’t think it would continue to exist because evil would destroy it, that is what is destroying some of society now, and isn,t because God has abandoned society. If secular society could say it never heard of God, or Jesus Christ there would be a good excuse for it’s conduct. Even in secular society there are laws, rules of conduct, the golden rule and such. People had abandoned God, or simply ignored Him by materialism, secularism and relativism and sensuality. A person would have to be completely blind, or completely ignorant of history not to know this. Yes there is evil, and yes there is good, and supreme good given by those who have given their lives for others so that they could be free, and this is not purely humanistic, or secular ideals. Even our Declaration of Independence mention God, and the God of nature who endowed us with unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So no matter how you look at it, did God abandon His people, or instead did they abandon Him, Who do you think creates life, sustains the world, gives man talents, and intelligence to be good stewards of His creation? I see these good people who believe in Jesus Christ, God- man living Christian ideals on this forum who couldn’t do so, if God had abandoned them or society, He lives in His people!
Where do you live? I have seen many good people who are good because they put into action what they believe God desires. I, myself benefited from those who believed in Jesus Christ , God-man. I was orphaned at an early age, with two sisters, and if it wasn’t for Catholics dedicated to the implementation of their Christian beliefs, I would probably be dead because the secular world is cold, and unloving. I speak for many, many people. I at one time aspired to be a Missionary Priest but my health would not allow it, but I knew others who went to alleviate human suffering. This is the work of God, self-sacrifice, contrary to the secular inclination of self indulgence in material things, and pleasures. The history of the world is made up of an abundance of good things accomplished by those who believe in the Christian God. I’m surprised that you over-look those facts God is present in His believers, His people. If it wasn’t for them I would fear for society, I don’t think it would continue to exist because evil would destroy it, that is what is destroying some of society now, and isn,t because God has abandoned society. If secular society could say it never heard of God, or Jesus Christ there would be a good excuse for it’s conduct. Even in secular society there are laws, rules of conduct, the golden rule and such. People had abandoned God, or simply ignored Him by materialism, secularism and relativism and sensuality. A person would have to be completely blind, or completely ignorant of history not to know this. Yes there is evil, and yes there is good, and supreme good given by those who have given their lives for others so that they could be free, and this is not purely humanistic, or secular ideals. Even our Declaration of Independence mention God, and the God of nature who endowed us with unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So no matter how you look at it, did God abandon His people, or instead did they abandon Him, Who do you think creates life, sustains the world, gives man talents, and intelligence to be good stewards of His creation?
People performing kind acts does not require the supernatural. There have always been people who are willing to sacrifice in order to help others. Many were Christian, many more were mot, based on world population and varying belief, or non.belief systems.
Laws are necessary to order society precisely because no outside force has any (name removed by moderator)ut. We must do it for ourselves. The very Declaration you speak of had its roots in the desire for freedom of thought and worship.
Life, thoughts, talents and intelligence are a product of human development…no father in the sky needed.
BTW, a good number of the founding fathers were Deists. They believed, as I do, that there is a creator, but that the creator does not influence life events in any way.
People performing kind acts does not require the supernatural. There have always been people who are willing to sacrifice in order to help others. Many were Christian, many more were mot, based on world population and varying belief, or non.belief systems.
Laws are necessary to order society precisely because no outside force has any (name removed by moderator)ut. We must do it for ourselves. The very Declaration you speak of had its roots in the desire for freedom of thought and worship.
Life, thoughts, talents and intelligence are a product of human development…no father in the sky needed.
BTW, a good number of the founding fathers were Deists. They believed, as I do, that there is a creator, but that the creator does not influence life events in any way.
You show a very humanistic out look, where man is his own savior, in spite of all that man can do he still has the same troubles. Wars after wars, poverty, hatred, ignorance, corruption even in high places a Supreme court that is not so supreme, a society were the rich keep getting richer, where wealth is polarized, new diseases, in spite of new drugs, councilors that don’t really solve core problems, psychiatrists that don’t really cure, but medicate. Technological advancements but moral decay, crimes, hunger, poverty. Mankind can’t really help itself but find symptomatic relief, no real cure in spite of some improvements. Does mankind need a savior, or can it save itself? It is very self evident to me it can’t. Does it have a Savior, it also is self-evident to me and others.
You show a very humanistic out look, where man is his own savior, in spite of all that man can do he still has the same troubles. Wars after wars, poverty, hatred, ignorance, corruption even in high places a Supreme court that is not so supreme, a society were the rich keep getting richer, where wealth is polarized, new diseases, in spite of new drugs, councilors that don’t really solve core problems, psychiatrists that don’t really cure, but medicate. Technological advancements but moral decay, crimes, hunger, poverty. Mankind can’t really help itself but find symptomatic relief, no real cure in spite of some improvements. Does mankind need a savior, or can it save itself? It is very self evident to me it can’t. Does it have a Savior, it also is self-evident to me and others.
I see no savior…I don’t look for one. We make our own bed and we must sleep in it. Remember, all those injustices of which you speak exist despite the supposed existence of a benevolent over-seer. I see no evidence for any such deity…merely a first cause creator.
You start by saying that God is a human construct
I said Jesus is a human construct, not God. He is part of the ‘dying-god/god-man’ concept which can be traced throughout history right back to ancient Egypt. Horus, Baldr, Odin, Bacchus Jesus, they are all linked by this concept. God is very much a reality, but He (or It) is not the chatty, talkative god that many Christians make him out to be. Asking God to speak to you is very much like getting blood out of a stone. It is not easy at all, so beware people who claim God talks to them over trivial matters such as football results. They are liars.
Is the bible not full of people who have personal relationships with Him
Again, I am somewhat sceptical about this. How can you have a relationship with a mystery?
Notice how the non denominational protestants can pray ‘directly and simply’ to the God they know from the Words He spoke through the bible .
.I learned how to speak to God as my friend , who answers prayers ,and who is mystery only for the Catholics
You are indeed a very lucky person then. I have to be brutally honest. God is a complete mystery to me. Perhaps that is, as you say, because I am a Catholic. That is not to say I haven’t had spiritual experiences, because I have. But at no point has God ever disclosed to me why they are occurring.

Best wishes,
I see no savior…I don’t look for one. We make our own bed and we must sleep in it. Remember, all those injustices of which you speak exist despite the supposed existence of a benevolent over-seer. I see no evidence for any such deity…merely a first cause creator.
If you don’t look, you won’t see! But you do see injustices, so you d o understand the existence of evil. You blame God for what men do, knowing that He can change what they do, or change man. In order to do that He would have to take away man’s ability to make choices that are evil. No free will. It is said often, that God didn’t create robots, but free acting agents. And He did offer His Son, so that man could be changed without taking away his free will, and remove the evil from society. That’s called “Grace”. If we don’t have it, we can’t give what we don’t have, and that is a virtuous life, free from evil acts. Also how can a supposed benevolent over-seer create you and other things in the first place if He wasn’t really benevolent?

I have to resign myself to the fact that there are people who will not, or can’t accept the sincere and true testimony of others for personal reasons. I can speculate what those reasons are, but not really necessary. I know that if Jesus Christ, who I believe (and even better than that) is God-man and He suffered unbelief from others, that He wept over Jerusalem knowing what would befall them. then who am I to experience any different. I am more grateful to God for the gift of His Son who changed my life from one of evil, sin to one of Christian virtue and love. We have a real relationship! I pray that you d o too before your time is up so that you too can have this relationship.
I said Jesus is a human construct, not God. He is part of the ‘dying-god/god-man’ concept which can be traced throughout history right back to ancient Egypt. Horus, Baldr, Odin, Bacchus Jesus, they are all linked by this concept. God is very much a reality, but He (or It) is not the chatty, talkative god that many Christians make him out to be. Asking God to speak to you is very much like getting blood out of a stone. It is not easy at all, so beware people who claim God talks to them over trivial matters such as football results. They are liars.

Again, I am somewhat sceptical about this. How can you have a relationship with a mystery?

You are indeed a very lucky person then. I have to be brutally honest. God is a complete mystery to me. Perhaps that is, as you say, because I am a Catholic. That is not to say I haven’t had spiritual experiences, because I have. But at no point has God ever disclosed to me why they are occurring.

Best wishes,
On a personal level the endless ‘additions’ within the RCC are an obstacle to a real relationship with God . In the last centuries since the so called 'enlightenment ',God has given his best and latest scientific developements, to non catholics.

The lists are to found ,from Newton to Denis Alexander,Francis Collins etc.Einstein was Jewish ,of course.
The problem is that there are far too many who fear spiritual growth and ,who wish God to be in the image which is comfortable and get threatened by His developement .😃

That is His ongoing unfolding of His plans. which continue and will until He decides to come .
One could say more ,but that will be enough for now .:),
If you wish God to e in your life you must call to him and Him only,then read the words of Jesus,only .In his time He will make ‘contact’,and you will know .
If you don’t look, you won’t see! But you do see injustices, so you d o understand the existence of evil. You blame God for what men do, knowing that He can change what they do, or change man. In order to do that He would have to take away man’s ability to make choices that are evil. No free will. It is said often, that God didn’t create robots, but free acting agents. And He did offer His Son, so that man could be changed without taking away his free will, and remove the evil from society. That’s called “Grace”. If we don’t have it, we can’t give what we don’t have, and that is a virtuous life, free from evil acts. Also how can a supposed benevolent over-seer create you and other things in the first place if He wasn’t really benevolent?

I have to resign myself to the fact that there are people who will not, or can’t accept the sincere and true testimony of others for personal reasons. I can speculate what those reasons are, but not really necessary. I know that if Jesus Christ, who I believe (and even better than that) is God-man and He suffered unbelief from others, that He wept over Jerusalem knowing what would befall them. then who am I to experience any different. I am more grateful to God for the gift of His Son who changed my life from one of evil, sin to one of Christian virtue and love. We have a real relationship! I pray that you d o too before your time is up so that you too can have this relationship.
I respect your beliefs, and at several points agree. We are free acting agents…god has nothing to do with evil. Where we part is that I believe that god has nothing to do with anything here. He created, we evolved, we are on our own.
He is a human construct.

We are all actually worshipping something that has been around for much longer. Having had experience of the truth of this, Jesus is now a dead concept to me. I feel nothing for him or from him any more.

Believe me, the RCC will never reveal all her secrets to the goats…Or the sheep. They will never be ready for it.

I take issue with that statement. No one knows God. People are driven insane trying to understand God, so no, you don’t know Him. How can you possibly ‘know’ a mystery? I’d like to know what has been ‘revealed’ to you, because what has been ‘revealed’ to me probably won’t fit with your beliefs. In all fairness, I am struggling to make it fit with mine. If I am being honest, it has left me very upset at times, but I can’t deny what has taken place.

Best wishes,
I have just reread your post .Yes Neizche and others did go mad because they thought that they could know God with their ‘intellect’,but while you can know God’s material ‘works’ with the left hand brain ,you can only ‘hear God’ with your heart ,and the right hand brain eg. Some people are ‘tone deaf’ ,but there are others who can not only hear a tune ,but after the first hearing can play it or sing it .One is blocked ,but the other is not .Is God arbitrary in His gifts ,or does He give these gifts to those who have heard Him in the past perhaps ;
Now the one who is ‘deaf’ perhaps he can write musical notes ,but without 'hearing it is no pleasure ,and indeed is totally meaningless if it cannot be heard,be sung or played .
Mystery religions have been using this device for millenia. Any time the cannot explain a contradiction or hole in their teachings, the fall back on mystery. To me, it is dishonest and cowardly.

How about this: god does not move at all. He is the first cause of creation, but has left humanity completely on its own to evolve and develop. The proof for this should be self-evident. Just look around…do you see any intervention by a benevolent overseer, 'cause I sure don’t.
If the RCC is the only one of those that I know,and while there is mystery it is used to keep power in the hands of some. God is neither of those which you describe ,but am tired and will get back .
You need to read God’s word only in NT
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