I have read through the bible numerous times. One is so annotated…by myself, that it is difficult for others to read. Having done this, I find no evidence other than it is the writings of men, accumulated by men, for the purposes of certain men.
I would say on reading your replies you cannot read between the lines .
You are not 'listening . As far as I am concerned, neither the old testament ,nor even
Paul etc. have the slightest bearing on why I know God exists,and why I am blessed to
be able to call on Him , when in need .
Do you think Saint Patrick or the early saints needed the O.T. or even thought about it ?.
No one in my extended family who were catholics, referred to it .
It is very interestig ,but the God in it is different from the God I know, who is not only entirely ordered and rational,but entirely loving and just .
The people in the O.T. attribute to God what really are the conséquences of their own
rebellious behaviour which destroyed their society and ruined their familes ,crops etc.
Just as a man who does not plant and sew and work the earth with care and attention
in finding he has poor or degraded crops ,blames God, as he is too ‘blind’ to realise that God made His creation very precisely , leaving a little bit for manouvre (elastic) and learning, and when things go wrong it is because like you, he is blocked (in his 'inner hearing ) and the Holy Spirit is not working in his life.
There is far too much emphasis on ‘sin’ and so called ‘fathers of the church’ and so on;
There needs to be more ‘freedom’ to find God ourselves ,more discussion ,more community support.
I find France an interesting example of how democracy works to the higher level because it is a country, which while rooted in catholicism got rid of those who would ‘dictate’ to us how to exist .The Church controlled everything and it was suffocating,and corrupt ,as total power totally corrupts . While there were negative conséquences, the long term result is a country which whlie staying republican, is beginning to show that she is also christian in how she runs her affairs and to believe is chosen not forced so will last .
I order to have a relationship with God we must be free to do so ,and we must be free to search and make mistakes . If we go to far in well run democracy, we will only really destroy ourselves in the long run . American is too too individualistic, as opposed to individuals within community ,and that is why she is dangerous .
If I want to be a great poet ,Iread others in my apprentice years ,but I do not read them later if I wish to