“Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumer from the government."
Respectfully opinion only in pondering
Agree …why these citizens themselves, who ran and were elected to serve?..There wages paid provided by the people, to labor for in making sure the needs of all people are provided for and equally protected by the very Laws… theses elected officials create are to fulfill? :thinking
Righteous Laws created that will provide… Equally Rights, Freedom and Protection for all? Whether they be …Civil Laws and Moral Laws?
His Righteous Laws…His Ten Commandments provide and distribute…Equality Rights, Freedom and Protection for all do they not?
His Ten Commandments do not say, this… Thou shall not Law …only applies to citizens, but does not apply to rulers does it?
His Ten Commandments does not say this…Thou shall not … only applies to Woman and not men do they?
Written, historically recorded also…
Were good Kings / bad Kings?
Good Kings who ruled a Nation’s their citizens prospered did they not? Why?
Bad Kings their Nations did not prosper and their citizens suffered much why?
Written Is there not 12 hrs in a day to labor?
We reap what we sow? What we have labored at, produced?
Some planted their seeds in fertile ground etc? labor needed, produce?
Be fruitful multiply and cultivate the earth? Labor is needed, produce,care for?
Sermon on the Mount…distribute, care for, give out of our excess to those in need, in want, help lift up…( but they too need to labor also?)
Honest days work for a honest days wage?
Deut. Do not defraud a laborer of his true labor wage?
Deut. 23:19 You shall not charge interest on loans?
Deut 23: 24-…If you go into your neighbor’s vine yard you may eat your fill of grapes, as many as you wish, but you shall not put any in a container…
Deut 23: 25 .If you go into your neighbors standing grain you may pluck the ears with your hand, but you shall not put a sickle to your neighbor’s standing grain.
Commanded to continue building upon his Creation. labor within in serving him?
One who labors not …while others are laboring…is unrighteous…this is the socialism Jesus was against?
Jesus trying to teach us…what creates poverty and what maintain’s that poverty?
Remember the story of the rich man, rich couple, couple who needed to to hide all their richest and the other who built a barn to store his riches?
Even Jesus was given a task. a work to accomplish in serving laboring for the good of all, was he not?
No one on this fertile Mother Earth today should be in want or in need of food, clean water, shelter, labor also should they?
Now having all this new modern tech in today’s modern world etc?
Mother Nature provides for all our needs …Freely…but we are to labor and take care of her…Destroy Mother Earth we destroy our selves?
Was it ever meant to be a profit driven Life?