Our lady of Akita (approved apparition) has a new message

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On October 6th an angel appeared to the nun seer of akita and told her one secret message and one message for everyone which is : sackcloth and ashes and a repentance rosary

She also stated ninevah gospel was significant in this message.

Please start doing reparation
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She had a message from an angel telling her to tell everyone sackcloth and ashes and rosary on October 6th.
She said the ninevah story was significant
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Already have a thread on this here
Alleged New Akita Message on EWTN Radio? Catholic News
WQPH is an EWTN radio affiliate and this is now going around social media as EWTN airing a new Akita message from Sr. Agnes Sasagawa. Has anyone got any further info on this? I went looking for original source and this is all I could find.
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Already have a thread on this here.
Alleged New Akita Message on EWTN Radio? Catholic News
WQPH is an EWTN radio affiliate and this is now going around social media as EWTN airing a new Akita message from Sr. Agnes Sasagawa. Has anyone got any further info on this? I went looking for original source and this is all I could find. http://wqphradio.org/2019/10/27/a-new-message-from-sister-agnes-of-our-lady-of-akita/
We’re not suppoed to create multiple threads on the same thing. If you want to discuss, please post in the linked thread. Thank you.
It is a message that has been given many times, including at Fatima and Lourdes.
As our Mother, she would certainly want to remind us, in this ever more difficult world.
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Jonah did not sit in ashes and wear sackcloth. There has been some misinterpretation along the way here. Jonah’s prophecy was only 5 words. Has this new prophecy been approved by her Bishop

This is jonahs only prophecy 5 hebrew words

Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!

We could make a thread to discuss the Book of Jonah and its varied meanings
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Jonah gave the prophecy and the people of Ninevah, led by their King, put on sackcloth and ashes and repented, saying, “Perhaps the Lord will hear our cries and not destroy us.” And the Lord heard them. And did not destroy the people of Ninevah.

Do you think it is possible that we are to ponder Jonah’s message to the people of Ninevah, apply it to the world today, and respond as the people of Ninevah did, with sackcloth and ashes, with repentance, and, today, with Our Lady’s rosary?
Do you think it is possible that we are to ponder Jonah’s message to the people of Ninevah, apply it to the world today, and respond as the people of Ninevah did, with sackcloth and ashes, with repentance, and, today, with Our Lady’s rosary?
It’s the same thing she’s been asking us to do since at least the apparition of La Salette, on through Lourdes, Fatima, and the approved Akita apparitions.

It’s not anything new or earthshattering, people just need to buckle down and do it.
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Actually Jonah only said 5 words of prophecy.

The people put on their sack cloth and ashes before the king did, as jonah said his 5 words to people in the street and then the king heard, and made a decree.

jonah wanted God to destroy the city and was very angry with God when He didn’t.

It was Gods message to ninveh, not, Jonahs, and its quite a complicated book. there are so many messages in it.

The entire point of the book of Jonah is two fold and if we start a new thread, i can start discussing it in a day or so. It is an amazing book, full of wordplay contrasts and comparisons.
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So we need to do stuff for God to not destroy us?

I don’t want anything to do with that god.
No, not at all. While we are not bound to approved revelations, the message has always been the same to humanity; repent and proclaim the good news of the Lord. We have always been told to pray, fast, and do good.

The message of Ninevah was not limited to that city in the Old Testament any more than the message of Sodom and Gomorrah was limited to THOSE cities in the Old Testament. The new fulfills the old and if we ‘slide back’ to the old ways we need reminders. The Lord Himself asks if, when He returns, He will find faith. Do you think that we in the world today, especially in the West, are living the Christian message? Do we not need to proclaim that Christ is King and show it by turning back from our evil deeds to prove we believe in Him?

Don’t fall for the secular, “Everything’s allright, Jesus loves you just the way you are, you’re good enough’ crowd.” Except in cases involving scrupulosity (which are much lower than one is led to think), most of us are pretty inclined to be like the pharisee and think God must be pretty pleased with us and how today we are living so much like Christ–oh wait, we aren’t.
So we need to do stuff for God to not destroy us?
You need to do stuff on a daily basis to not go to Hell and to help the world be a better place while you’re in it. Man’s natural tendency is to just be selfish and sin. We “do stuff” every day to try to overcome that; pray, put others’ needs ahead of our own, be kind when we really want to tell the other person where to go.

Christianity in general is about “needing to do stuff”. It is not about just sitting where you are, having a good time, and figuring everything’s perfectly okay.

We’re not “doing stuff” in order to appease some angry God who wants to destroy us all at a moment’s notice. We’re “doing stuff” because it’s the right thing to do and it keeps us from destroying ourselves and each other.

I can’t figure out how people don’t see that the message of every one of these apparitions is for people to do what they were called to do in the first place by Jesus Christ, to do what they should have been doing all along. Every time some purported new “message” comes out, people run around like startled mice acting like they’re hearing this for the first time. People need to wake up and smell the coffee.
I totally get the notion that man needs to repent and do God’s will.

What I have a problem with is the idea that God has great wrath and is being “held back” from destroying us by the Blessed Virgin- and some people do believe this way.
“Some people” 's hangups are not my problem.

The Old Testament has God repeatedly bailing his people out of their problems.
At certain points, God’s people had pretty much stopped paying attention to God, and he in turn stopped bailing them out.
Same thing goes on today, I reckon.
I am also sure God has had great wrath at the garbage that people do from the beginning of time. One of these days it might just be too much if we don’t shape up.
It’s basic common sense. Even a loving parent can get to the point of “I’ve had it up to here with you kids, now I’m just going to let you suffer the consequences of your actions.”
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Can someone help me understand why the BVM doesn’t appear to Protestants…and even to those of other faiths if there is an urgency for repentance…after all…God is God of all humanity…so why are the messages only given to we who are Catholic
and even to those of other faiths if there is an urgency for repentance
She reportedly appears to the Copts and the other Orthodox, quite a bit.
Edited to add, I understand the apparition of Our Lady of Zeitoun was seen by Muslims as well.

Do any other faiths have the devotion to her to appreciate the significance of her appearance?
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Catholics are used to having non-Catholics disapprove of Marian devotions or Marian apparitions as practiced by/ applied by Catholics.

Having said that, there are definitely some Catholics who are too fixated on Marian apparitions, particularly the unapproved ones. It’s hard to be too fixated on an approved apparition because in my experience, the approved ones are just telling us to do things that we should be doing anyway, primarily pray and do penance. Again, if somebody didn’t like to focus on an apparition, they could read Scripture and find all the exact same instructions. The unapproved ones are often allegedly telling us all kinds of crazy stuff.
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Yes, we’ve already heard many times on this forum how Eastern Catholic/ Eastern Orthodox don’t like the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is one of my patron saints, and Irish Catholics such as myself are raised to be very devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (and the Immaculate Heart of Mary), if somebody else regardless of their religion wants to think it’s creepy, my response is “Talk to the Hand”.

I don’t expect them to put a Sacred Heart statue in their church, and they can likewise tolerate the fact that I have him in my home and my church.
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I’m sorry, but the Sacred Heart is a very central part of my life. To have someone call that “creepy” is like you just insulted my dad and now want to have a civilized discussion about it, while complaining that I’m rude because I got bothered that you insulted my dad. I also would not marry anyone or be friends with anyone who expressed such thoughts to me.

My husband was not Catholic, but he did not go around being creeped out by it either. Catholicism was just there, there were many ethnic Catholics in his town, his grandfather and mother were fallen-away Catholics. His attitude was “It’s a Catholic thing.” Not, “The Sacred Heart is creepy.” To me, that would be rude, and would be further indicative that I don’t think I can have a discussion with that person about a religious subject, much less be in a close relationship with them. We could be casual friends and swap recipes or that sort of thing.

How would your wife feel if I looked at an Eastern icon that she loved and said, “That’s creepy”? Well, that’s how I feel when you post such things about the Sacred Heart and then complain that I’m rude. Please allow for people’s emotions. There are many Eastern Catholic images that I don’t care for, but I understand that others love them, and I keep quiet.
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This apparition was seen by atheists, christians, muslims anyone who was there
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