Devoutly I adore You, hidden Deity, Under these appearances concealed.
To You my heart surrenders self For seeing You, all else must yield.
Sight and touch and taste here fail; Hearing only can be believed. I trust what
God’s own Son has said. Truth from truth is best received.
Divinity, on the Cross, was hid; Humanity here comes not to thought. Believing
and confessing both, I seek out what the Good Thief sought. I see no wound as Thomas did, but I profess God above. Draw me deeply into faith, Into Your hope into Your love. O memorial of the Lord’s sad death. Show life unto man, O living Bread. Grant that my soul may live through You, By Your sweet savor ever fed.
Jesus Lord, my Pelicon devout, With Your Blood my sins dismiss. One single drop could surely save from sin this world’s dark edifice.
Jesus, Whom now I see enveiled, what I desire, when will it be? Beholding Your fair face revealed, Your glory shall I be blessed to see.