As they used to say on Saturday morning—That’s all, folks!
Now back to the OT.
But how can we get through to people who are set in believing that religion is evil or God cannot exist?
Virtually all atheists and anti-theists are materialists. The materialist denies the existence of any non-material entity, and therefore denies the existence of God because God is a non-material entity. The proof for their argument, they say, is science. Everything that exists can be proven with the scientific method and everything the scientific method has proven is material. Therefore, no non-material entities and no God, they say. When you’re dialoging with someone you need to speak their language, so you can make the
argument from transcendentals that I just made.
Science actually proves the existence of non-material entities and thus disproves materialism. I put forth a transcendental number, π, as an example of a non-material entity known to science (and as shown above,
required for science to even work). I proved π was non-material by showing that no one has actually observed it (its digits go on forever, hence transcendental), yet everyone knows it exists. Yet we can never directly observe it, only approximate it with abstraction (3.14…)
The only serious argument the interlocutors made was that all numbers are actually subjective creations of man, i.e., abstractions we made up to help us keep track of things. In other words, numbers have no objective existence; they are not mind-independent. That is easily disproven from science. Take for example c, the speed of light (as in E=mc^2). We did not make up the speed of light. We discovered it, the same way that we discovered π. The argument that a transcendental number like π is mind-independent is even stronger because no mind ever has or ever will fully grasp it.
Now, if materialism is false (which it is, because π exists), there exist non-material entities. You can just continue from there with proofs of God from philosophy and logic (Prime Mover, Contingency, etc.). It also dovetails nicely into
Plato’s Theory of Forms—π is the Platonic Form of 3.14…, and 3.14… is just the shadow on the wall of the Cave. Without materialism, the anti-theist has no choice but to listen or to leave.