Our washing machine is BROKE

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Just an FYI for if/when you get in this situation again.

Place clothes in tub.
Add soap and water. (enough to cover the clothes)
Add 1 or 2 barefoot children for agitation.
Wring or press excess water.
Place in dryer.

The good news is you can do a heck of a lot of loads in the “washer” that way. The bad news is you really should only do what will fit in the dryer.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The best part is… the kids will think it’s a GAME!
Double win… happy, distracted kids… AND clean clothes! 👍
:dancing: HE FIXED IT HE FIXED IT!!! WooHoo!! :dancing:

Thank You God!!!

He got it running tonight and he said tomorrow he has to pick up a $20 switch at the Maytag store and she’ll be good as new. I am SO relieved!! 👍
That’s GREAT news! With small children, you really need a washing machine. Thanks be to God.
Just an FYI for if/when you get in this situation again.

Place clothes in tub.
Add soap and water. (enough to cover the clothes)
Add 1 or 2 barefoot children for agitation.
Wring or press excess water.
Place in dryer.

The good news is you can do a heck of a lot of loads in the “washer” that way. The bad news is you really should only do what will fit in the dryer.
That’s great!! I love that!😃 :rotfl: 😃
The best part is… the kids will think it’s a GAME!Double win… happy, distracted kids… AND clean clothes! 👍
**No, no, no… the double win is that the bathroom floor gets mopped too.😉 **

Seriously folks, this is what you do if your washer conks out and you can’t afford or simply can’t afford to wait for it to be fixed/replaced. And you know it won’t conk out unless it’s midway through the load with everyones’ underwear in it.
Just an FYI for if/when you get in this situation again.

Place clothes in tub.
Add soap and water. (enough to cover the clothes)
Add 1 or 2 barefoot children for agitation.
Wring or press excess water.
Place in dryer.

The good news is you can do a heck of a lot of loads in the “washer” that way. The bad news is you really should only do what will fit in the dryer.
i remember doing this for my mom as we didnt have a washing machine when we were growing up and were quite poor… it was a lot of fun with the soap and the clothes… 🙂
Uh,… what about walking next-door?

“Our machine just blew it’s guts, and (neighbor) could I do a few loads?”

(or do you live in the outback and nearest neighbor 12 miles away?)
:dancing: HE FIXED IT HE FIXED IT!!! WooHoo!! :dancing:

Thank You God!!!

He got it running tonight and he said tomorrow he has to pick up a $20 switch at the Maytag store and she’ll be good as new. I am SO relieved!! 👍
There’s nothing better than a husband with a little mechanical smarts. I hope you appreciate him. We have a Maytag washer that occasionaly goes into orbit when on spin cycle. I’ve leveled it over and over, and it still does it. The washer is only about 2 years old. Any ideas?
There’s nothing better than a husband with a little mechanical smarts. I hope you appreciate him. We have a Maytag washer that occasionaly goes into orbit when on spin cycle. I’ve leveled it over and over, and it still does it. The washer is only about 2 years old. Any ideas?
Oh yes, I certainly appreciate him. He can fix anything and has saved us tons of $$ over the years! He is a very handy guy to have around. 😃

Our washer is a Maytag and often screws up on spin cycle. It’s about 6 years old. This is definitely the last Maytag appliance we will ever own.

I have been daydreaming of getting me a shiny new front-loader…but I’m poor so it’s probably not going to happen, lol! But I will not complain anymore because I am just greatful that the machine I have is working and I don’t have to go to the laundromat or send the kids dancing in the tub. 👍
There’s nothing better than a husband with a little mechanical smarts. I hope you appreciate him. We have a Maytag washer that occasionaly goes into orbit when on spin cycle. I’ve leveled it over and over, and it still does it. The washer is only about 2 years old. Any ideas?
Well I’m guessing it’s a top loader, we all use front loaders here.

Never heard of Maytag, but a machine is a machine, could be the suspension, if it’s on hydraulic shocks, those could be on their way out, or it may be suspended on the old fashioned springs.

With front loaders if you forget to take out the transport brackets they will do a merry dance a spin, but that’s not addressed to you.

Anyway I’m guessing it’s the suspension that sometimes makes the machine do it’s own version of river-dance. 🙂
It’ll be kinda hard to get away from Maytag… they build about 80% of the machines out there… under different names.
Here’s what I did a while back when our old washer called it quits. I officially made Tuesday nights laundry night. called a handfull of neighbors/relatives and asked if they minded i come over to do a load of laundry. I started at my moms house, threw in a load, then hit the road again, till I had all 5 or 6 loads in washers at different houses. then, went back to moms. waited at her house, till that load was ready for the dryer, (if it wasnt already) then did it all again, in the same order. went back to moms. pulled clothes out of dryer and away I went. That way, I was in and out, wasnt in peoples hair too much. (and i didnt have to take home 6 loads of wet clothes that would have probably soured b/f i got them all dried) I make homemade bread, so the night before I made a loaf for each house! everyone helps people out like that around here b/c any one of us could be in the same boat and the closest laundromat is about an hour away.
Here’s what I did a while back when our old washer called it quits. I officially made Tuesday nights laundry night. called a handfull of neighbors/relatives and asked if they minded i come over to do a load of laundry. I started at my moms house, threw in a load, then hit the road again, till I had all 5 or 6 loads in washers at different houses. then, went back to moms. waited at her house, till that load was ready for the dryer, (if it wasnt already) then did it all again, in the same order. went back to moms. pulled clothes out of dryer and away I went. That way, I was in and out, wasnt in peoples hair too much. (and i didnt have to take home 6 loads of wet clothes that would have probably soured b/f i got them all dried) I make homemade bread, so the night before I made a loaf for each house! everyone helps people out like that around here b/c any one of us could be in the same boat and the closest laundromat is about an hour away.
oh wow. Sometimes I’m just amazed at how different my life is from others. 6 loads for the week? “in and out”? Not with my crew!:rotfl: See now, you were worried about being in their hair. I’d be just a wee bit upset if you borrowed my washer/dryer and didn’t stick around to chit-chat over coffee.😉
We washed our clothes in the bathtub for a number or years.
Dried them on hangers or racks…all over the house. One thing you learn is that most people wash clothes that don’t really need it. Most pants can be worn several days before needing to be washed.

I figure it was good excercise for me…I put the clothes and soap in the tub, and used my feet as agitation. I sang, and worked off any pent up “anger” this way. LOL.

I still do this with large items such as blankets, or when things are on the fritz. Keeps me thankful and humble.

I’m glad you were able to do a cheap fix.
Here’s what I did a while back when our old washer called it quits. I officially made Tuesday nights laundry night. called a handfull of neighbors/relatives and asked if they minded i come over to do a load of laundry. I started at my moms house, threw in a load, then hit the road again, till I had all 5 or 6 loads in washers at different houses. then, went back to moms. waited at her house, till that load was ready for the dryer, (if it wasnt already) then did it all again, in the same order. went back to moms. pulled clothes out of dryer and away I went. That way, I was in and out, wasnt in peoples hair too much. (and i didnt have to take home 6 loads of wet clothes that would have probably soured b/f i got them all dried) I make homemade bread, so the night before I made a loaf for each house! everyone helps people out like that around here b/c any one of us could be in the same boat and the closest laundromat is about an hour away.
Six loads of laundry a week? That’s nothing! I’m constantly doing laundry, so for just one day a week you could sit at my home and do your All your laundry.😃
We washed our clothes in the bathtub for a number or years.
Dried them on hangers or racks…all over the house. One thing you learn is that most people wash clothes that don’t really need it. Most pants can be worn several days before needing to be washed.

I figure it was good excercise for me…I put the clothes and soap in the tub, and used my feet as agitation. I sang, and worked off any pent up “anger” this way. LOL.

I still do this with large items such as blankets, or when things are on the fritz. Keeps me thankful and humble.

I’m glad you were able to do a cheap fix.
I occasionally did this when we lived in Korea. We didn’t live on the base, but about half a mile away. Sometimes we just didn’t have money for the Base Laundry, so I put the laundry in our little tub, added some detergent and stepped in. Its strange that this isn’t as uncommon apparently as I thought it was at the time.😛
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