I agree with this, that’s why my beef is much more with these crazed people than decent religious Muslims.Secularists, feminists and a lot of other post modern “ists” see Islam as an ally to destroy the bedrock of Western civilization, which is the straight white working Christian male.
These people are the ones who have a visceral hatred of Christianity, traditional family and western culture, and hope Islam can help them in the destruction of that [as problematic as that would be for themselves in the future, where they would probably look for something else to help them in the destruction of Islam].
I don’t think he meant this comment to you. I think it was a reply to somebody else who said he should be listening to your advice, as you probably know more about it because you live in France.This is unfair. I never claimed any “special moral authority.”
Of course your advice from your experiences in France is very useful, but I think he felt like somebody was telling him he doesn’t know about the issue well because he doesn’t live there like you.
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