Outreach. An LGBTQ Catholic Resource

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Trent Horn has critiqued this one year old website associated with Fr James Martin, today on Catholic Answers.

Anyone have any input on whether this is the right way or not to evangelise?


Edit to add - this site doesn’t allow links so if you google search the sites please.
Fr. James Martin, S.J. is controversial. My impression from his writings is that he focuses on the outreach to (good), interaction with (good) and acceptance of the need for love in this community (good). Conversely, I have also noted a distinct lack in focus (not so good) on the core of our humanness, and the Gospel message as it relates ultimately to the denial of the self and the need for repentance.

IMO, he lays the Church’s foundation, but does not go on to build upon it, leaving it in nascent form.

An organization which is both solidly in accord with revealed truth, as well as the loving care of this community is: https://couragerc.org/
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Fr. James Martin, S.J. is controversial. My impression from his writings is that he focuses on the outreach to (good), interaction with (good) and acceptance of the need for love in this community (good). Conversely, I have also noted a distinct lack in focus (not so good) on the core of our humanness, and the Gospel message as it relates ultimately to the denial of the self and the need for repentance.

IMO, he lays the Church’s foundation, but does not go on to build upon it, leaving it in nascent form.

An organization which is both solidly in accord with revealed truth, as well as the loving care of this community is: https://couragerc.org/
I have no issue whatsoever with reaching out to LGBTQ people, and letting them know the Church supports and welcomes them. The key issue is helping them to live out the cross of perfect chastity even though their orientation militates against it. If I were homosexual, I would just keep the matter to myself, and if anyone asked me, I’d just say something like “marriage isn’t for me, I’m a confirmed bachelor for life”, and people would just need to take that at face value without murmuring or speculation. But if someone else needs to let the world know about their orientation, that’s up to them. The Catholic Church, unlike Protestantism and, a fortiori, LDS, recognizes the calling to the single life — whatever the reason for it might be — and, indeed, cherishes lifelong celibacy. It shouldn’t be a subject of speculation.

John XXIII said that he had never committed a sin of the flesh in his life, and if he was asexual (as, supposedly, about one percent of the population is), then that was a great gift, a providential preservation from the sins that, as Our Lady of Fatima said, send more people to hell than any other kinds of sin.
In this past few decades, this very issue has become so utterly contentious that I was hesitant to even reply. Yet, all manner of sinful thought and behavior is being defended today as it if were normal and natural. I have a far different cross and I strongly admire the self-denial of those with same-sex attraction who triumph over the challenges in their lives. True spiritual warriors.
I haven’t read the articles in detail but see nothing objectionable or anti-Catholic on the surface. It doesn’t appear to be a support group like Courage but more of a hub for information and resources. Anyone who doesn’t like America Magazine, the site’s sponsor, will understandably be critical of the site itself. I’m glad that Catholics are finally addressing this topic openly; even in my local circles, it’s still a taboo one.
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