Brave politicians! I fear for them.
As I’ve said many times on CAF–what needs to happen is for all the Catholics and others who are clinging to the Democratic Party because they think the policies are more “merciful” need to CUT OFF ALL AFFILIATION with the Democratic Party and they need to, en masse, inform their Party Chairs of their action and pledge that they will NEVER vote for any Democrat or give any support of any kind to the current Democratic Party as long as the Democratic Party includes protection for legal abortion in its Party Platform!!!
Again, this needs to be done by MILLIONS of Catholics and others who cling to the Democratic Party as the Party that promotes social justice policies that seem to them to be most consistent with Catholic/Christian teachings.
Oh, yes, there are plenty of Protestants who insist that the Democratic Party has more “Christian” policies, so it’s not just Catholics that need to do this.
IF pro-life Democrats all over the United States would do this, and do it OPENLY so that the Party Official and the public/media could see it happening, and then follow through by voting Republican (Not Independent or some other Party–this just takes votes away from the pro-life Republicans)–it would definitely create a situation that would FORCE the Democratic Party to at least consider modifying their extreme pro-abortion stance.
I personally don’t think it would make a difference. The Democratic Party is run by a small group of extremely wealthy people who use decent people, minorities, immigrants, Hollywood and New York entertainment professionals, the poor, the elderly who remember the Depression and FDR, the college professors and other academics (who depend on publishing to make a living), and young people (especially college students) to promote their Party ideology. The Party promises the sun, moon, and stars, and delivers none of it because they want to KEEP people “under” so that these people will continue to cling to the hope that the Democrats are preaching the best medicine and will eventually eventually defeat those Rich Fat Cat Republicans (like Peeps–oh, boy, I’m so loaded with cash!)
As for moving over the to the Republican Party–I realize that very thought is sickening to many Catholic Democrats–the MILLIONS of “new Republicans” would have the opportunity to urge the GOP to modify policies seem to help the rich and ignore the poor and disenfranchised. From the beginning, the Party of Abraham Lincoln promoted equality for all men–it was the Republican Party who did a great deal to help freed slaves to get elected to the United States House and Senate. We’re not the greedy rich old men that many Catholics seem to think we are. Getting many millions of new Republicans from the exodus away from the pro-abortion Democratic Party would infuse the GOP with a lot of energy and votes, and would definitely make a difference–believe it or not, the GOP is willing to listen and make changes in their Platform unlike the Democratic Party that says, “NO ROOM FOR PRO-LIFERS IN OUR PARTY”