Thoughts about this?
No! Really?. . . . .Now, there are some who like to use “Novus Ordo” in a derogatory way or as a slur,the
Not only very bad, but also very sad. Most of the ones I have met over the years were at best poorly catechized, or entered into what we used to call a “mixed marriage” and the other partner was far more committed to their church than the Catholic spouse was to the Catholic Church. Either way is a loss.You will hear people say all the time “I used to be Catholic, but I’ve become a Christian”. Very bad.
Mormons believe God was once a man, just an exalted man and that he was given a universe - our current universe - to rule over. It is a wholesale departure. They believe in spirit babies. They believe if you are exalted by God that you will be given a planet at death. They baptize the dead. It is not Christianity. John Smith was a magician.Protestants of some varieties may well consider Catholics not to be Christian because of doctrinal issues such as the intercession of saints, the place of the Virgin Mary, the role of scripture etc. This is similar to the way many all? Catholics will say that Mormons are not Christian