I looked at Dembski’s universal probability bound as reported in Signature in the Cell and it is very close to the following one worked out by
David Abel in Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling
My apologies for not using superscript in denoting scientific notation of the numbers.
1) The number of seconds that have elapsed since the Big Bang (1017) assumes a cosmic age of around 14 billions years. 60 sec/min × 60 min/hr × 24 hrs/day × 365 days per year × 14 billion years = 4.4 × 1017 seconds since the Big Bang.
- The number of possible quantum events/transitions per second is derived from the amount of time it takes for light to traverse the minimum unit of distance. The minimum unit of distance (a quantum of space) is Planck length (10-33 centimeters). The minimum amount of time required for light to traverse the Plank length is Plank time (10-43 seconds). Thus a maximum of 1043 quantum transitions can take place per second. Since 1017 seconds have elapsed since the Big Bang, the number of possible quantum transitions since the Big Bang would be 1043 × 1017 = 1060.
- Sir Arthur Eddington’s estimate of the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the observable cosmos (1080) has been widely respected throughout the scientific literature for decades now.
Some estimates of the total number of elementary particles have been slightly higher. The Universe is 95 billion light years (30 gigaparsecs) across. We can convert this to cubic centimeters using the equation for the volume of a sphere (5 × 1086 cc). If we multiply this times 500 particles (100 neutrinos and 400 photons) per cc, we would get 2.5 × 1089 elementary particles in the visible universe.
A Universal Probability Bound could therefore be calculated by the product of these three factors: 1017 × 1043 × 1080 = 10140
If the highest estimate of the number of elementary particles in the Universe is used (e.g., 1089), the UPB would be 10149.
Dembski uses a slightly lower time factor (13.7 billion years) but essentially the same numbers with the more conservative number of particles and arrives at 10139.4 as his UPB.
This is not, as you hold, constrained to one point in space because the calculation is based upon every elementary particle in all of space (delineated in Plank length) during each Plank moment of time. Since each particle is multiplied by the other quantities it assumes multiple interactions at each Plank moment and at every Plank point in space.
Your objection is clearly misguided.
An important point made by Meyer and Dembski is that the UPB shows that the probability of a single minimally functionally sequenced protein comprised of 150 ordered amino acids is (as calculated by Douglas Axe) 10 164, which means the probability of a single functional protein is orders of magnitude higher (1024) than the UPB allows, i.e., one chance in a trillion trillion. Keeping in mind that a single cell capable of replication would require perhaps several hundred functional proteins, the chance of these arising at the same time in the same space to allow cell origin would be unthinkable. This would seem to be a strong case for ID. No?