Its not rational to believe in God for its emotional reward, because it does not relfect reality as it truly is.
Therefore it is not objectively wrong to sacrifice the life of an innocent human object if it benefits the pragmatic needs of the pack.
By the word object i assume you mean a person. I find that idea subjectively repulsive and so do most people.
There are only objects in existence and their usefulness is relative. Perhaps it is repulsive to you and many other human objects, however, if the goal is truly
pragmatic-survival, then it would be irrational not to sacrifice the life of an innocent human object for the pragmatic
needs of the pack. Since, relative to the survival of a group, an individual human object has no true value beyond that which is pragmatic and utilitarian; and to look at human objects as being anything above that in their identity, is irrational since it does not reflect reality as it truly is.
I choose to close my eyes to this.
I thought you would do that

. But you should consider whether you really want to be a part of a society that treats and values you as an
expendable object.
But we don’t live in that kind of society; people treat me like a person, not a pragmatic-utility.
If they treat you as a being with a distinct objective universal value in comparison to other non-human objects apart from purely pragmatic evaluations, then it is because they are delusional, and for the sake of rationality, like the existence of God, we should
shun that kind of thinking despite losing the emotional rewards that come with promoting such a delusion. Even if that means the collapse of human civilization.
In fact, when an atheist is finally honest about the consequences of accepting metaphysical naturalism, he or she knows that many of the value driven fundamental concepts that are most important to the identity of human civilization, including our dignity as people, is robbed of its value and existence. Its not only God that we lose.
No normal rational human being actually wants this to be the case and they would demand evidence of metaphysical naturalism once they understand what it actually means for them as people. A personal object does not only form attachments to children because of instinct alone or because of some kind of pragmatic evaluation. They also form attachments because they intuitively believe that they morally ought to. They intuitively recognize that family and children have an objective value beyond simply that which is pragmatic and useful. And this is made evident by the fact that men and women try to raise children precisely in that image, that they ought to be loving and caring. They do not teach these things to children simply because they represent a set of useful
pragmatic laws. They teach these thing
irrespective of whether or not they are useful for survival or society.
In other-words, as much as people might deny Gods existence, they do not act like God does not exist. This is the hypocrisy, irrationality, and denial, that flows through the veins of the
New Atheism.