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Warning:The following contains adult (in this case, collegiate) language, along with gratuitous references to male and female genitalia.

The P-Day satirists are the first to admit that their initiative is tasteless and crude. But they rightly point out that V-Day is far more extreme. They are shocked that the administration has come down hard on their good-natured spoof, when all along it has been completely accommodating to the in-your-face vulgarity of the vagina activists.

V-Day has now replaced Valentine’s Day on more than 500 college campuses (including Catholic ones). The high point of the day is a performance of Ensler’s raunchy play, which consists of various women talking in graphic, and I mean graphic, terms about their intimate anatomy. The play is poisonously anti-male. Its only romantic scene, if you can call it that, takes place when a 24-year-old woman seduces a young girl (in the original version she was 13 years old, but in a more recent version is played as a 16-year-old.) The woman invites the girl into her car, takes her to her house, plies her with vodka, and seduces her. What might seem like a scene from a public-service kidnapping-prevention video shown to schoolchildren becomes, in Ensler’s play “a kind of heaven.”
A lot of similar things are going about, for example, the Vagina monologues. The philosophy behind these is supposed to celebrate feminism. For some reason they are only centered on sex, as if sex is the only thing women are good for, and since male/female sex is still seen as women being submissive to men, masturbation or lesbianism is preferred.
This is an account of a performance of The Vagina Monologues which took place at Notre Dame (yes, that Notre Dame) in 2000. The article does contain graphic language.

It makes one sick that an institution that many still think is Catholic would put on this lesbian/feminist agit-prop.
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