This is a different way of viewing Pascal’s wager. Consider the following prayer uttered by an atheist:
Dear God, I do not believe you exist, and as such I do not believe in the existence of heaven or hell. Just in case I am mistaken, please consider the following: I live my live according to the best principles as dictated by my conscience. I never committed an act contrary to those principles. If some of the acts I committed are against your principles, I apologize for them, but I committed them out of ignorance and not out of malice. Unfortunately you never communicated your criteria to me, so this is the best I can do. The same “disclaimer” applies to the future acts I will commit. Thank you for your consideration.
This prayer should let the atheist off the hook, provided that it is sincerely uttered. Any opinion?
Dear God, I do not believe you exist, and as such I do not believe in the existence of heaven or hell. Just in case I am mistaken, please consider the following: I live my live according to the best principles as dictated by my conscience. I never committed an act contrary to those principles. If some of the acts I committed are against your principles, I apologize for them, but I committed them out of ignorance and not out of malice. Unfortunately you never communicated your criteria to me, so this is the best I can do. The same “disclaimer” applies to the future acts I will commit. Thank you for your consideration.
This prayer should let the atheist off the hook, provided that it is sincerely uttered. Any opinion?