Yes it does. If the recipient cannot figure out the “message”, then it was the error of the sender, who made it incomprehensible. In every case of communication there are three factors: the sender, the receiver and the message. First, the receiver needs to recognize that a message was sent - that the message is different from the background noise. Second, the receiver needs to be able to comprehend the message. If either one is missing, then there is no “message” to speak of. And it is always the responsibility of the sender to communicate on the level the receiver understands.
Your response here is interesting. First, you place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the sender. How can you arbitrarily make that claim? If the receiver fails to distinguish the message from background noise – perhaps through a mistaken notion of the threshold at which ‘noise’ ends and ‘message’ begins – how can you blame the sender? If the sender fails to comprehend the message (which implicitly affirms that he’s
received a message that he distinguished from background noise, by the way!), but others who received the same message comprehended it – how can you blame the sender? If the sender attempts to communicate on a level the receiver understands, but the receiver does not grok the message – how can you (unilaterally) blame the sender?
In addition, we’re both pointing at the same thing, and calling it by different names. I think your assertion is the weaker: a message that is not received, or not understood, is not a “non-message”; it
is a message, but one in which the communication has failed.
As long as it is honest, there is no guilt involved. Your only excuse is to declare me (or the one who utters that prayer) dishonest and a liar.
Huh? Where’d
that come from? You seem awful eager to depict believers as characterizing non-believers as ‘dishonest liars’. That’s quite the chip you’ve got on your shoulder…
Or learn to read. The point is that the information contained in the book does not get through to either one of them. So they are in the same position. Just like with “no communication” or “garbled, incomprehensible communication”. I am constantly amazed to see these half-baked “responses” just to reject something obvious. Sure looks like that whatever an atheist says must be unacceptable.
Nah; you’ve said some interesting things around here. This isn’t one of them, though.
The unwilling reader and the illiterate are
not “in the same position.” I’ll grant you that they both failed to soak in today’s headlines; but, tomorrow, when the newspaper arrives, the unwilling reader has the opportunity to read and understand; the illiterate does not. They are
not in the same position, although they
are both lacking in possession of the same knowledge that passed them both by.
I am constantly amazed to see half-baked responses that reject something obvious: an empty glass is not the same as a non-glass. The glass retains its potential to receive – a potential that a ‘non-glass’ does not. You cannot make the claim of being a non-glass, since you exist and have the capacity to receive…
What a bold claim! Show me that “communication”. Where are the “words” of God, which even an atheist can recognize as such?
Oh, they’re there… you just choose not to accept them, to consider them ‘background noise’: the obvious example, of course, is Scripture. Notice how you frame up your question, though: your measure is the ‘recognition’ on the part of the receiver. You seem to wish to place the blame for lack of communication on the sender, but you concede that the success or failure of the communication hinges on the willingness of the receiver to ‘recognize’ the message…
Yes, the usual attempt to blame the atheist for the lack of communication from God.
LOL! Given what you wrote, above, I could equally say the same about you, couldn’t I? “Yes, the usual attempt to blame God for the lack of communication with the atheist”…!
When an atheist complains that he prayed for something and nothing happened, the usual set of replies are: “You did not wait long enough”, or the answer is “sometimes” a “no”, and finally: “who are you, you despicable piece of dirt to demand that God should jump when you ask it”? “How dare the pot blame the potter?” It is always our fault - according to you and your brethren. And then you are surprised that you are not taken seriously.
Have I said any such thing? Have I called you a despicable piece of dirt? It is not that it is “always your fault” (although I note with interest that your claims assert that it is
never your fault, but “
always the sender’s fault”). Do you always make sweeping generalizations and prejudge members of particular groups? (And then you are surprised that you are not taken seriously…
