PA Christians face 47 years for reading Bible in public

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I got this on email alert from the American Family Association online ( They are not Catholic, but it could happen to Catholics too!!!


Philadelphia charges Christians with hate crimes, inciting a riot, and using a deadly weapon.

Bill O’Reilly reported on the situation on Fox News Channel.

Dear [Jay74],

What we have been saying has now happened. You cannot quote what the Bible has to say about homosexuality in public or you will be charged with a “hate crime.” Philadelphia is only the beginning. If we fail to take a stand here, this “crime” will soon be applied across America.

In the 27 years of this ministry, I have never witnessed a more outrageous miscarriage of justice than what is happening in Philadelphia. Four Christians are facing up to 47-years in prison and $90,000 in fines for preaching the Gospel on a public sidewalk, a right fully protected by the First Amendment.

On October 10, 2004, the four Christians were arrested in Philadelphia. They are part of Repent America. Along with founder Michael Marcavage, members of Repent America—with police approval–were preaching near Outfest, a homosexual event, handing out Gospel literature and carrying banners with Biblical messages.

When they tried to speak, they were surrounded by a group of radical homosexual activists dubbed the Pink Angels. A videotape of the incident shows the Pink Angels interfering with the Christians’ movement on the street, holding up large pink symbols of angels to cover up the Christians’ messages and blowing high pitched whistles to drown out their preaching.

Rather than arrest the homosexual activists and allow the Christians to exercise their First Amendment rights, the Philadelphia police arrested and jailed the Christians!

They were charged with eight crimes, including **three felonies: possession of instruments of crime (a bullhorn), ethnic intimidation (saying that homosexuality is a sin), and inciting a riot (reading from the Bible some passages relating to homosexuality) despite the fact that no riot occurred. **

You may think I am exaggerating. I’m not. Our AFA Center for Law and Policy is representing these four individuals at no cost. We will take this case all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary to get justice.
47 Years! That’s insane :eek: People who INTENTIONALLY kill people get off with less time than that. What happened to freedom of religious expression?

The 82% of this country’s population that claims to be Christian better start speaking up or this country will continue going to hell in a hand basket.

:mad: Unbelieveable … just unbelieveable :mad:

Since this happened in my neck of the woods, I’m going to see what I can personally do about it. Maybe notify local churches in the area to organize and take some form of legal action? Any ideas anyone?
Sir Knight said:
47 Years! That’s insane :eek: People who INTENTIONALLY kill people get off with less time than that. What happened to freedom of religious expression?

The 82% of this country’s population that claims to be Christian better start speaking up or this country will continue going to hell in a hand basket.

:mad: Unbelieveable … just unbelieveable :mad:

Since this happened in my neck of the woods, I’m going to see what I can personally do about it. Maybe notify local churches in the area to organize and take some form of legal action? Any ideas anyone?

I’ve passed this on to alot of people. It’s amzing to me the apathy people have towards it. 😦
** ethnic intimidation (saying that homosexuality is a sin)**
Since when did “homosexuality” become an “Ethnicity”???

“I’m half Irish, half French, and half Homosexual” :rotfl:

I pray the judges in this one have at least half a brain.

Peace of the Lord be with you ALL!
This has been discussed in several other threads over the past few months.

Keep in mind that the website you linked to has an agenda. It is in their interest to portray the arrested protesters in the best possible light, and minimize or ignore actions or circumstances that might detract from that. Until I hear the other side from a less biased source or the prosecutor, I will withhold judgement.
17-year-old girl part of 'Philadelphia 5’
Teen 1 of Christians facing charges for protesting homosexuals

Posted: January 7, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Ron Strom
© 2005

While most of the media have focused on the four adult Christians arrested last year for protesting a homosexual event in Philadelphia, there also is a teenage girl who faces criminal charges for her participation. Lauren Murch is one of the 11 Christians who were arrested on Oct. 10.

As WorldNetDaily reported, the group was “preaching God’s Word” to a crowd of people attending the "OutFest’ event and displaying banners with biblical messages.

After a confrontation with a group called the Pink Angels, described by protesters as “a militant mob of homosexuals,” the 11 Christians were arrested and taken into custody. All but Lauren spent the night in jail.

Eight charges were filed: criminal conspiracy, possession of instruments of crime, reckless endangerment of another person, ethnic intimidation, riot, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct and obstructing highways.

None of the Pink Angels was cited or arrested.

After a preliminary hearing in December, Judge William Austin Meehan ordered four of the adult Christians to stand trial on three felony and five misdemeanor charges. If convicted, they could get a maximum of 47 years in prison.

Lauren, 17, also was ordered to stand trial, but in the juvenile justice system. She faces the same eight counts.

The girl’s father, Bruce Evan Murch, says the media and others have effectively left Lauren out of the story by referring to the group as the “Philadelphia 4,” even though she, also, faces charges. Murch says the group’s local attorneys have not communicated well with him as Lauren missed the December hearing because she knew nothing about it.

Even now, Murch says he is unsure what date Lauren’s trial will occur. “I have nine children, seven boys and two girls from age 6 to 21, all living at home,” Murch told WND. “They were all born at home and schooled at home. We got involved in activism in 1989 when I founded an Operation Rescue group. My children have done street ministry with me virtually all of their lives.”

Murch has a website entitled Full Quiver Mission.

Lauren attended the OutFest protest without any other family members, Murch says, “though normally we all would have gone to this.” He says one or more of his family participates in protests three or four times a year in Philadelphia.

Murch explained that since his wife, Beverly, was diagnosed with uterine cancer last summer, he has “pulled back from active ministry.”

According to Murch, after her arrest Lauren was held in a juvenile detention facility for 12 or 13 hours and released to a trusted friend at about 1 a.m. the next morning.

“I am a bit distressed that she seems to have fallen through the cracks,” Murch said. "The media claim that charges were dropped against seven people, and it was only six; they state that there are only four with charges still pending, when there are five.
“Lauren’s being left out in the cold.”
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