Pagan Candles

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I posted this question in the Apologetics section, but got no response.

I pray every morning at a small church on my way to work. I like it because it’s decorated with niches for saints, in front of which people light candles.

In the last few weeks I’ve found a couple of candles that bore images of pagan African deities. I put them out and put them together with other burnt candles. It happened twice more and I did the same.

I was bugged that a Catholic church would be used for pagan rites, undoubtedly without the consent of the pastor.

Did I overreact?
Are you sure it’s pagan deities and not just some badly drawn saints or those holy creatures in the Bible (Revelation, Yehezkiel etc)
No, I’m sure. They were images of Osun, Ogum, Yemanja, Shango, etc. For those who don’t know, they’re from Candomble, a Yoruban religion, related to Voodoo.
No, I’m sure. They were images of Osun, Ogum, Yemanja, Shango, etc. For those who don’t know, they’re from Candomble, a Yoruban religion, related to Voodoo.
Tell the priest about it. Or tell the priest of your own parish so he could kindly reprimand his fellow shepard.
I posted this question in the Apologetics section, but got no response.

I pray every morning at a small church on my way to work. I like it because it’s decorated with niches for saints, in front of which people light candles.

In the last few weeks I’ve found a couple of candles that bore images of pagan African deities. I put them out and put them together with other burnt candles. It happened twice more and I did the same.

I was bugged that a Catholic church would be used for pagan rites, undoubtedly without the consent of the pastor.

Did I overreact?
If you are certain the candles were of pagan gods, GOOD for you. And thanks.
Thanks for posting this topic.

It’s really freaky for me that someone I know when I ask her to pray for me says that she’ll “light a candle” – and insists that this is HER “pagan” way of saying she is giving it to the “Universe.”


She USED to be Christian… a confirmed Catholic.

Now, she’s genuinely a self-proclaimed (in her words) a “riteous pagan.”

BTW, I am NOT allowed to say the word/name “God” in her presence. Please pray that she comes back to God.

She sets the rules for your conversation?

and you listen?

I would be walking around called on God and all the saints in heaven 🙂
Veronica Anne:
Thanks for posting this topic.

It’s really freaky for me that someone I know when I ask her to pray for me says that she’ll “light a candle” – and insists that this is HER “pagan” way of saying she is giving it to the “Universe.”


She USED to be Christian… a confirmed Catholic.

Now, she’s genuinely a self-proclaimed (in her words) a “riteous pagan.”

BTW, I am NOT allowed to say the word/name “God” in her presence. Please pray that she comes back to God.

I will be praying. Can she define a riteous pagan for me?
its part of the Novus Ordo like on the back of your money says Novus Ordo as in New Order…pagan idols are welcome in Catholic Churches as are buddist idols under Vatican II ecumencism…in Grand Rapids Michigan, a bad Bishop named Britt was allowing buddist to chant in front of Idols on the high altar in a Catholic Cathedral and I believe God didn’t approve……

story can be found at

check out this unholy response by the bishop in the article, then ask God why he called him home…
This morning I met the pastor and let him know about that. He thanked me for removing the candles and letting him know about that.

He added that he’s used to this kind of sneaking and it’s usually just a matter of remind the flock that, paraphrasing him, it’s not compatible with Christianism.

Thank y’all.
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