Palestinian TV: Tsunami American & Jews Fault

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Tsunami Reactions (1) - Palestinian Friday Sermon by Sheik Mudeiris: Tsunami Allah’s Revenge at Bangkok CorruptionThe following are excerpts from a Friday sermon on Palestinian Authority TV by Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris:

Mudeiris: What happened there, in South-East Asia… We ask God to have mercy upon all the martyrs - for he who dies by drowning is a martyr. We ask God to have mercy upon all the Muslims who died there. Allah willing, they are martyrs. But, don’t you think that the wrath of the earth and the wrath of the sea – should make us reflect? Tens of thousands dead, and many predict that the number will be in the hundreds of thousands. We ask God for forgiveness. When oppression and corruption increase, the law of equilibrium applies. I can see in your eyes that you are wondering what the “universal law of equilibrium” is. This law is a divine law. If people are remiss in implementing God’s law and in being zealous and vengeful for His sake, Allah sets his soldiers in action to take revenge.

The oppression and corruption caused by America and the Jews have increased. Have you heard of these beaches that are called “tourists’ paradise”? You have all probably heard of Bangkok. We read about it, and knew it as the center of corruption on the face of this earth. Over there, there are Zionist and American investments. Over there they bring Muslims and others to prostitution. Over there, there are beaches, which they dubbed “tourists’ paradise”, while only a few meters away, the locals live in hell on earth. They cannot make ends meet, while a few meters away there is a paradise, “tourists’ paradise.”

Do you want the earth to turn a blind eye to the corrupt oppressors? Do you want the sea… Do you want the sea to lower its waves in the face of corruption that it sees with its own eyes?! No, the zero hour has come.

Video is here:
I am sure someone like St. James would endorse that message.
People need to understand what makes young Arabs walk into a room full of Amercians and blow themselves up.
This kind of rhetoric, is sadly, par for the course. In Arabic countries, 911 is routinely blamed on Israel despite the fact that Bin Laden has proudly owned up to it. The death of Arafat is blamed on Israel. Why not a Tsunami? And for good measure throw in the demon USA.

I read this stuff, and I am even more disheartened about a peaceful future for my children here in the USA. The media over there is full of lies and distortions and the children are raised with total hatred for us and for the Jews.
I plead guilty. I am guilty of thinking in the opposite direction to that of this Mullah. You see I believe that the Tsunami is a sign of God’s wrath because of the murders that are being committed in His Name by Islamic terrorists.

The area in Indonesia that has been hit hardest is an area that is racked with persecution and murder of Christians. India and Sri Lanka have also persecuted the Christians. I do see the tourist paradise as a sign of mammon taking over from God.

However, I also see this disaster as an opportunity for some fences to be mended. I have just heard the tragic news that Melbourne AFL footballer Troy Broadbridge has been identified as a victim of the Tsunami. He was walking on the beach with his bride when the Tsunami hit. He pushed her to safety and he was washed away in the waves. He is a real martyr because he put his new bride first before himself. I have heard many other stories of this form of bravery, of decisions being made that in the end led to the saving of all of the lives concerned. The most painful decision was for a woman who had to let go of her 5 year old son. She gave the child to a 17 year old girl, who also had to let him go. However, the child survived and has been reunited with his mother. In Indonesia I heard about the fisherman who was caught underneath his boat for 7 days and he survived.

The Mullah’s comments are very narrow-minded and they do not reflect the reality of the situation, since the area that sustained the greatest loss, Banda Aceh, was the home of Islamic militants and they alone were responsible for the persecution of thousands of Christians in that region.

(being controversial)
While I do not agree that the US is to blame for the wrath of allah or God for that matter in invoking the Tsunamis, he does have a point about the moral depravity in some of these “tourist” locations. How many businessmen in the US are guilty of this moral depravity?

Not saying this is a cause of anything but we do need to fix our moral houses here at home. Sometimes I wonder why God doesn’t send a giant Tsunami right over entire citites in the U.S.
Granted I am not as familiar with the Islamic religion as I would like to be, but it was my understanding that a merciful God is not one of the tenets of the religion. If so, the cleric’s comments really are nonsense.
There are crazy people in any country and any religion. I don’t believe for one second that these views are shared by most muslims or palestinians.
I even heard that Obed ben-hur ambassador of the holy land to the holy see has said that Al Qaeda’s chief enemies are the Church and the Pope himself.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
I even heard that Obed ben-hur ambassador of the holy land to the holy see has said that Al Qaeda’s chief enemies are the Church and the Pope himself.
Oben ben-hur is the Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See. I think it would be in his country’s interest for him to make such a statement, however, I would have it checked by others outside of Israel.
Oben ben-hur is the Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See. I think it would be in his country’s interest for him to make such a statement, however, I would have it checked by others outside of Israel.
Just a note that I found this in the magazine “inside the Vatican.”

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
As I remember a horrible earthquake shook Iran killing thousands. I would ask the mullah if this was Allah’s punishment on Muslims for their crimes?
Tsunami Reactions (1) - Palestinian Friday Sermon by Sheik Mudeiris: Tsunami Allah’s Revenge at Bangkok CorruptionThe following are excerpts from a Friday sermon on Palestinian Authority TV by Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris:

Mudeiris: What happened there, in South-East Asia… We ask God to have mercy upon all the martyrs - for he who dies by drowning is a martyr. We ask God to have mercy upon all the Muslims who died there. Allah willing, they are martyrs. But, don’t you think that the wrath of the earth and the wrath of the sea – should make us reflect? Tens of thousands dead, and many predict that the number will be in the hundreds of thousands. We ask God for forgiveness. When oppression and corruption increase, the law of equilibrium applies. I can see in your eyes that you are wondering what the “universal law of equilibrium” is. This law is a divine law. If people are remiss in implementing God’s law and in being zealous and vengeful for His sake, Allah sets his soldiers in action to take revenge.

The oppression and corruption caused by America and the Jews have increased. Have you heard of these beaches that are called “tourists’ paradise”? You have all probably heard of Bangkok. We read about it, and knew it as the center of corruption on the face of this earth. Over there, there are Zionist and American investments. Over there they bring Muslims and others to prostitution. Over there, there are beaches, which they dubbed “tourists’ paradise”, while only a few meters away, the locals live in hell on earth. They cannot make ends meet, while a few meters away there is a paradise, “tourists’ paradise.”

Do you want the earth to turn a blind eye to the corrupt oppressors? Do you want the sea… Do you want the sea to lower its waves in the face of corruption that it sees with its own eyes?! No, the zero hour has come.

Video is here:
If you think Catholics worship the same God as Muslims you should understand this nut cake really believes what he is saying.
As I remember a horrible earthquake shook Iran killing thousands. I would ask the mullah if this was Allah’s punishment on Muslims for their crimes?
I am sure this particular mullah would find a way to blame us and the Jews.

By they way, I saw a thread here where many people chimed in saying that this natural disaster was God’s punishment for Muslims here on Earth. Most Catholics I know don’t view natural disasters as punishment to anybody from God. Is there something in Catholic theology to support the view that God visits tragedy only on the deserving? I have certainly seen plenty of tragedy happen to good people. Moreover, most of the people killed were innocent children. Why did so many Catholics on this board voice the opinion that the Tsunami was just punishment to the Muslims?
Granted I am not as familiar with the Islamic religion as I would like to be, but it was my understanding that a merciful God is not one of the tenets of the religion. If so, the cleric’s comments really are nonsense.
Actually, Muslims start every activity by saying “B-ismi Allah ar-rahmaan ar-rahiim.” “Rahmaan” and “rahiim” are both derived from the same root and refer to the mercy of God.

I think that if I were ever kidnapped by those people, I would be constantly asking them, “Feen rahmatu-Llah? Mish huna!” (“Where is the mercy of God? Not here!”)

There are crazy people in any country and any religion. I don’t believe for one second that these views are shared by most muslims or palestinians.
In that case, you need to start paying attention.

Don’t get caught in the mental trap of thinking that everyone is just like you, and thinks like you, and is culturally like you.

They are not.

How many Americans or Europeans have you heard of strapping a bomb onto their body and blowing themselves up in the midst of a civilian crowd? How many have driven a car bomb into a crowd or a building? I can think of one, and he exited the area before the bomb went off…
There are crazy people in any country and any religion. I don’t believe for one second that these views are shared by most muslims or palestinians.
If you are correct, why are the Palestinians about to elect a leader who endorses terrorism? Why did Sri Lanka turn down Israeli aid to the tsunami victims? Why is it that you would see Muslims dancing in the street and rejoicing if the tsunami had hit California but we are sending them aid and praying for them. The radicals may not be in the majority in Islam but they comprise 20% to 30% and more in some countries.
Didn’t you know that America and the Jews also cause sunspots and meteorites?

But seriously, my favorite part of this little statement is when he claims that people who drown are martyrs. Let’s see…kill yourself while murdering school children–you’re a martyr, drown–you’re a martyr. What’s next? Heart attack–you’re a martyr, car accident–you’re a martyr.

They’re really watering down their martyrdom theology. Seems like martyrdom is becoming a synonym with simply dying.
Didn’t you know that America and the Jews also cause sunspots and meteorites?

But seriously, my favorite part of this little statement is when he claims that people who drown are martyrs. Let’s see…kill yourself while murdering school children–you’re a martyr, drown–you’re a martyr. What’s next? Heart attack–you’re a martyr, car accident–you’re a martyr.

They’re really watering down their martyrdom theology. Seems like martyrdom is becoming a synonym with simply dying.
Only to us, for whom martyrdom has a much different cause/effect relation. They see themselves as much more directly involved religiously in the world than we do. Perhaps that is not well stated; but for them government is a theocracy; anything else is not a legitimate government. You either live as God (as they perceive Him) would have it, or you are of the devil. We have the ability to separate religion from the world (i.e. we do not see the secular as automatically anti-religious; it may be anti religious, or pro religious, or simply neutral), and they do not. Actually, I would say that rather than being watered down, it should be seen as very rich; wrong, but rich.

They see dying as very interrelated with the forces of Good and Evil, and they have what we would consider a very distorted view of Good and Evil. In addition, they appear to be rather short-changed in the area of mystery; i.e. the mystery of suffereing, and the mystery of evil.
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